Ecosystem final quality (L2) product in ETC-Archive format - INTERIM release 2023-2


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10.18160/JYAR-7YEH (target, metadata)

This is the 2023-2 INTERIM release of the ICOS final quality ecosystem data product that includes eddy covariance fluxes, meteorological observations, ancillary and biometric data and full metadata at 39 labelled ICOS stations in the ecosystem domain. The archives contain more detailed description of the different data files contained in the archives. Please note that the 2023 measurements included in this interim release don't cover the full year, but do essentially cover the growing season. Measurements have been collected using the following instructions: ICOS Ecosystem Instructions for Air Meteorological Measurements (TA, RH, PA, WS, WD), https://doi.org/10.18160/NHEG-4KWW ICOS Ecosystem Instructions for Turbulent Flux Measurements of CO2, Energy and Momentum, https://doi.org/10.18160/QWV4-639G

ICOS RI, Juho Aalto, Thomas Aiguier, Alessandro Alivernini, Christelle Aluome, Tommy Andersson, Nicola Arriga, Mika Aurela, Jaana Back, Sjoerd Barten, Thomas Baur, Stéphane Bazot, Patrick Beauclair, Nils Becker, Nils Becker, Luca Belelli Marchesini, Gunnar Bergström, Christian Bernhofer, Daniel Berveiller, Tobias Biermann, Juliette Bloor, Bernard Bodson, Gaëtan Bogaerts, Massimo Bortoli, Isabelle Bosio, Aurore Brut, Christian Brümmer, Nina Buchmann, Pauline Buysse, Anders Båth, Davide Calandrelli, Mauro Cavagna, Eric Ceschia, Abad Chabbi, Wafa Chebbi, Francesco Chianucci, Christophe Chipeaux, Henri Chopin, Nicole Claverie, Ivo Cobbe, David Colosse, Adriano Conte, Roberto Corsanici, Pascal Courtois, Mhairi Coyle, Patrick Crill, Matthias Cuntz, Donato Cuocolo, Radek Czerný, Jeremie DEPUYDT, Eva Darenová, Olivier Darsonville, Anne De Ligne, Tim De Meulder, Giuseppe De Simon, Marie-Laure Decau, Alessandro Dell'Acqua, Jean-Pierre Delorme, Nicolas Delpierre, Loïc Demoulin, Jean-Luc Denou, Bruno Di Matteo, Paul Di Tommasi, Laura Dienstbach, Rowan Dignam, Daniel Dolfus, Jean-Christophe Domec, Bernard Douxfils, Eric Dufrêne, Benjamin Dumont, Brigitte Durand, Uwe Eichelmann, Thibaut Engelmann, Andrea Esposito, Odilia Esser, Sophia Etzold, Werner Eugster, Daniela Famulari, Silvano Fares, Ariane Faurès, Iris Feigenwinter, Isabella Feldmann, William Fincham, Milan Fischer, Lenka Foltýnová, Thomas Friborg, Jean-Noel Galliot, Inmaculada Garcia Quiros, Cyriane Garrigou, Daniele Gasbarra, Arthur Gessler, Mana Gharun, Damiano Gianelle, Sebastian Gimper, Ignacio Goded, Alexander Graf, Franck Granouillac, Maude Grenier, Håkan Grudd, Thomas Grünwald, Timothé Guillot, Duncan Harvey, Juha Hatakka, Andreas Haustein, Markus Hehn, Bernard Heinesch, Carole Helfter, Michal Heliasz, Jutta Holst, Thomas Holst, Christian Hug, Mattias Häni, Lukas Hörtnagl, Andreas Ibrom, Filippo Ilardi, Marcin Antoni Jackowicz-Korczynski, Ivan Janssens, Rasmus Jensen, Georg Jocher, Emilie Joetzjer, Matthew Jones, Jean Kempf, Martina Kettler, Natascha Kljun, Katja Klumpp, Pasi Kolari, Aino Korrensalo, Natalia Kowalska, Nataliia Kozii, Jan Krejza, Annika Kristoffersson, Bart Kruijt, Alain Kruszewski, Simpal Kumar, Sirgit Kummer, Heikki Laakso, Sebastien Lafont, Erik Lange Rønn, Eric Larmanou, Tuomas Laurila, Sarah Leeson, Lodewijk Lefevre, Irene Lehner, Baptiste Lemaire, Janne Levula, Peter Levy, Käthi Liechti, Jean-Baptiste Lily, Jean-Marc Limousin, Maj-Lena Linderson, Kim Lindgren, Annalea Lohila, Bernard Longdoz, Ron Lootens, Benjamin Loubet, Denis Loustau, Erik Lundin, Efrén López-Blanco, Pernilla Löfvenius, Vincenzo Magliulo, Ivan Mammarella, Antonio Manco, Tanguy Manise, Barbara Marcolla, Michal V. Marek, Per Marklund, Olivier Marloie, Raphael Martin, Nicolas Martin - Saint Paul, Mauro Marty, Teemu Matilainen, Judith Mattes, Marco Matteucci, Matthias Mauder, Philip Meier, Alexander Meire, Julia Meis, Caleb Mensah, Luc Michaud, Stefano Minerbi, Uta Moderow, Leonardo Montagnani, Valerio Moretti, Alexandre Morfin, Neil Mullinger, Timo Mäkelä, Milja Männikkö, Elisa Männistö, Meelis Mölder, Flemming Møller, Alwin Naiken, Mahum Naseer, Eiko Nemitz, Ondrej Nezval, Mats Nilsson, Ayche Orgun, Mikaell Ottosson-Löfvenius, Jean-Marc Ourcival, Simon Paasch, Marian Pavelka, Matthias Peichl, Clotilde Perot-Guillaume, Cedric Perrot, Mari Pihlatie, Kim Pilegaard, André Piret, Heiko Prasse, Jukka Pumpanen, Juuso Rainne, Niklas Rakos, Lars Rasmussen, Corinna Rebmann, Janne Rinne, Mirco Rodeghiero, Marilyn Roland, Daniel Rudd, Torben Røjle Christensen, Jens Schaarup Sørensen, Marius Schmidt, Patrick Schmidt, Maria Schmitt Oehler, Frederik Schrader, Jan Segers, Guillaume Simioni, Paul Smith, Henk Snellen, Tiziano Sorgi, Kamel Soudani, Karel Staník, Markus Staudinger, Martin Stecher, Tanja Stutz, Sami Suopajärvi, Flurin Sutter, Risto Taipale, Tiphaine Tallec, Fabio Tenca, Anne Thimonier Rickenmann, Thibaut Thyrion, Enrico Tomelleri, Maurizio Tosca, Volodymyr Trotsiuk, Jan Trusina, Eeva-Stiina Tuittila, Juha-Pekka Tuovinen, Jacques Tyssandier, Holger Tülp, Jasper Van Look, Samu Varjonen, Timo Vesala, Loris Vescovo, Gaëlle Vincent, Caroline Vincke, Luca Vitale, Lukáš Vágner, Peter Waldner, Robert Wiesen, Bruna Winck, Karen Yeung, Roberto Zampedri, Bartosz Zawilski, Terenzio Zenone, Stephan Zimmermann, Roman Zweifel, Netty van Dijk, Michiel van der Molen, Mats Öquist, Ladislav Šigut, Jirí Šlížek, ICOS ETC
ICOS ERIC -- Carbon Portal
Biogeochemical cycles, processes, and modeling, Troposphere: composition and chemistry, Carbon Cycle, CO2 biogenic exchange fluxes, Surface energy balance
ICOS RI, Aalto, J., Aiguier, T., Alivernini, A., Aluome, C., Andersson, T., Arriga, N., Aurela, M., Back, J., Barten, S., Baur, T., Bazot, S., Beauclair, P., Becker, N., Becker, N., Belelli Marchesini, L., Bergström, G., Bernhofer, C., Berveiller, D., Biermann, T., Bloor, J., Bodson, B., Bogaerts, G., Bortoli, M., Bosio, I., Brut, A., Brümmer, C., Buchmann, N., Buysse, P., Båth, A., Calandrelli, D., Cavagna, M., Ceschia, E., Chabbi, A., Chebbi, W., Chianucci, F., Chipeaux, C., Chopin, H., Claverie, N., Cobbe, I., Colosse, D., Conte, A., Corsanici, R., Courtois, P., Coyle, M., Crill, P., Cuntz, M., Cuocolo, D., Czerný, R., DEPUYDT, J., Darenová, E., Darsonville, O., De Ligne, A., De Meulder, T., De Simon, G., Decau, M.-L., Dell'Acqua, A., Delorme, J.-P., Delpierre, N., Demoulin, L., Denou, J.-L., Di Matteo, B., Di Tommasi, P., Dienstbach, L., Dignam, R., Dolfus, D., Domec, J.-C., Douxfils, B., Dufrêne, E., Dumont, B., Durand, B., Eichelmann, U., Engelmann, T., Esposito, A., Esser, O., Etzold, S., Eugster, W., Famulari, D., Fares, S., Faurès, A., Feigenwinter, I., Feldmann, I., Fincham, W., Fischer, M., Foltýnová, L., Friborg, T., Galliot, J.-N., Garcia Quiros, I., Garrigou, C., Gasbarra, D., Gessler, A., Gharun, M., Gianelle, D., Gimper, S., Goded, I., Graf, A., Granouillac, F., Grenier, M., Grudd, H., Grünwald, T., Guillot, T., Harvey, D., Hatakka, J., Haustein, A., Hehn, M., Heinesch, B., Helfter, C., Heliasz, M., Holst, J., Holst, T., Hug, C., Häni, M., Hörtnagl, L., Ibrom, A., Ilardi, F., Jackowicz-Korczynski, M.A., Janssens, I., Jensen, R., Jocher, G., Joetzjer, E., Jones, M., Kempf, J., Kettler, M., Kljun, N., Klumpp, K., Kolari, P., Korrensalo, A., Kowalska, N., Kozii, N., Krejza, J., Kristoffersson, A., Kruijt, B., Kruszewski, A., Kumar, S., Kummer, S., Laakso, H., Lafont, S., Lange Rønn, E., Larmanou, E., Laurila, T., Leeson, S., Lefevre, L., Lehner, I., Lemaire, B., Levula, J., Levy, P., Liechti, K., Lily, J.-B., Limousin, J.-M., Linderson, M.-L., Lindgren, K., Lohila, A., Longdoz, B., Lootens, R., Loubet, B., Loustau, D., Lundin, E., López-Blanco, E., Löfvenius, P., Magliulo, V., Mammarella, I., Manco, A., Manise, T., Marcolla, B., Marek, M.V., Marklund, P., Marloie, O., Martin, R., Martin - Saint Paul, N., Marty, M., Matilainen, T., Mattes, J., Matteucci, M., Mauder, M., Meier, P., Meire, A., Meis, J., Mensah, C., Michaud, L., Minerbi, S., Moderow, U., Montagnani, L., Moretti, V., Morfin, A., Mullinger, N., Mäkelä, T., Männikkö, M., Männistö, E., Mölder, M., Møller, F., Naiken, A., Naseer, M., Nemitz, E., Nezval, O., Nilsson, M., Orgun, A., Ottosson-Löfvenius, M., Ourcival, J.-M., Paasch, S., Pavelka, M., Peichl, M., Perot-Guillaume, C., Perrot, C., Pihlatie, M., Pilegaard, K., Piret, A., Prasse, H., Pumpanen, J., Rainne, J., Rakos, N., Rasmussen, L., Rebmann, C., Rinne, J., Rodeghiero, M., Roland, M., Rudd, D., Røjle Christensen, T., Schaarup Sørensen, J., Schmidt, M., Schmidt, P., Schmitt Oehler, M., Schrader, F., Segers, J., Simioni, G., Smith, P., Snellen, H., Sorgi, T., Soudani, K., Staník, K., Staudinger, M., Stecher, M., Stutz, T., Suopajärvi, S., Sutter, F., Taipale, R., Tallec, T., Tenca, F., Thimonier Rickenmann, A., Thyrion, T., Tomelleri, E., Tosca, M., Trotsiuk, V., Trusina, J., Tuittila, E.-S., Tuovinen, J.-P., Tyssandier, J., Tülp, H., Van Look, J., Varjonen, S., Vesala, T., Vescovo, L., Vincent, G., Vincke, C., Vitale, L., Vágner, L., Waldner, P., Wiesen, R., Winck, B., Yeung, K., Zampedri, R., Zawilski, B., Zenone, T., Zimmermann, S., Zweifel, R., van Dijk, N., van der Molen, M., Öquist, M., Šigut, L., Šlížek, J., ICOS ETC, 2023. Ecosystem final quality (L2) product in ETC-Archive format - INTERIM release 2023-2. https://doi.org/10.18160/JYAR-7YEH
  doi = {10.18160/JYAR-7YEH},
  url = {https://meta.icos-cp.eu/collections/J2BoK_yyL_sJ5RKKiKrOa4sa},
  author = {{ICOS RI} and Aalto, Juho and Aiguier, Thomas and Alivernini, Alessandro and Aluome, Christelle and Andersson, Tommy and Arriga, Nicola and Aurela, Mika and Back, Jaana and Barten, Sjoerd and Baur, Thomas and Bazot, Stéphane and Beauclair, Patrick and Becker, Nils and Becker, Nils and Belelli Marchesini, Luca and Bergström, Gunnar and Bernhofer, Christian and Berveiller, Daniel and Biermann, Tobias and Bloor, Juliette and Bodson, Bernard and Bogaerts, Gaëtan and Bortoli, Massimo and Bosio, Isabelle and Brut, Aurore and Brümmer, Christian and Buchmann, Nina and Buysse, Pauline and Båth, Anders and Calandrelli, Davide and Cavagna, Mauro and Ceschia, Eric and Chabbi, Abad and Chebbi, Wafa and Chianucci, Francesco and Chipeaux, Christophe and Chopin, Henri and Claverie, Nicole and Cobbe, Ivo and Colosse, David and Conte, Adriano and Corsanici, Roberto and Courtois, Pascal and Coyle, Mhairi and Crill, Patrick and Cuntz, Matthias and Cuocolo, Donato and Czerný, Radek and DEPUYDT, Jeremie and Darenová, Eva and Darsonville, Olivier and De Ligne, Anne and De Meulder, Tim and De Simon, Giuseppe and Decau, Marie-Laure and Dell'Acqua, Alessandro and Delorme, Jean-Pierre and Delpierre, Nicolas and Demoulin, Loïc and Denou, Jean-Luc and Di Matteo, Bruno and Di Tommasi, Paul and Dienstbach, Laura and Dignam, Rowan and Dolfus, Daniel and Domec, Jean-Christophe and Douxfils, Bernard and Dufrêne, Eric and Dumont, Benjamin and Durand, Brigitte and Eichelmann, Uwe and Engelmann, Thibaut and Esposito, Andrea and Esser, Odilia and Etzold, Sophia and Eugster, Werner and Famulari, Daniela and Fares, Silvano and Faurès, Ariane and Feigenwinter, Iris and Feldmann, Isabella and Fincham, William and Fischer, Milan and Foltýnová, Lenka and Friborg, Thomas and Galliot, Jean-Noel and Garcia Quiros, Inmaculada and Garrigou, Cyriane and Gasbarra, Daniele and Gessler, Arthur and Gharun, Mana and Gianelle, Damiano and Gimper, Sebastian and Goded, Ignacio and Graf, Alexander and Granouillac, Franck and Grenier, Maude and Grudd, Håkan and Grünwald, Thomas and Guillot, Timothé and Harvey, Duncan and Hatakka, Juha and Haustein, Andreas and Hehn, Markus and Heinesch, Bernard and Helfter, Carole and Heliasz, Michal and Holst, Jutta and Holst, Thomas and Hug, Christian and Häni, Mattias and Hörtnagl, Lukas and Ibrom, Andreas and Ilardi, Filippo and Jackowicz-Korczynski, Marcin Antoni and Janssens, Ivan and Jensen, Rasmus and Jocher, Georg and Joetzjer, Emilie and Jones, Matthew and Kempf, Jean and Kettler, Martina and Kljun, Natascha and Klumpp, Katja and Kolari, Pasi and Korrensalo, Aino and Kowalska, Natalia and Kozii, Nataliia and Krejza, Jan and Kristoffersson, Annika and Kruijt, Bart and Kruszewski, Alain and Kumar, Simpal and Kummer, Sirgit and Laakso, Heikki and Lafont, Sebastien and Lange Rønn, Erik and Larmanou, Eric and Laurila, Tuomas and Leeson, Sarah and Lefevre, Lodewijk and Lehner, Irene and Lemaire, Baptiste and Levula, Janne and Levy, Peter and Liechti, Käthi and Lily, Jean-Baptiste and Limousin, Jean-Marc and Linderson, Maj-Lena and Lindgren, Kim and Lohila, Annalea and Longdoz, Bernard and Lootens, Ron and Loubet, Benjamin and Loustau, Denis and Lundin, Erik and López-Blanco, Efrén and Löfvenius, Pernilla and Magliulo, Vincenzo and Mammarella, Ivan and Manco, Antonio and Manise, Tanguy and Marcolla, Barbara and Marek, Michal V. and Marklund, Per and Marloie, Olivier and Martin, Raphael and Martin - Saint Paul, Nicolas and Marty, Mauro and Matilainen, Teemu and Mattes, Judith and Matteucci, Marco and Mauder, Matthias and Meier, Philip and Meire, Alexander and Meis, Julia and Mensah, Caleb and Michaud, Luc and Minerbi, Stefano and Moderow, Uta and Montagnani, Leonardo and Moretti, Valerio and Morfin, Alexandre and Mullinger, Neil and Mäkelä, Timo and Männikkö, Milja and Männistö, Elisa and Mölder, Meelis and Møller, Flemming and Naiken, Alwin and Naseer, Mahum and Nemitz, Eiko and Nezval, Ondrej and Nilsson, Mats and Orgun, Ayche and Ottosson-Löfvenius, Mikaell and Ourcival, Jean-Marc and Paasch, Simon and Pavelka, Marian and Peichl, Matthias and Perot-Guillaume, Clotilde and Perrot, Cedric and Pihlatie, Mari and Pilegaard, Kim and Piret, André and Prasse, Heiko and Pumpanen, Jukka and Rainne, Juuso and Rakos, Niklas and Rasmussen, Lars and Rebmann, Corinna and Rinne, Janne and Rodeghiero, Mirco and Roland, Marilyn and Rudd, Daniel and Røjle Christensen, Torben and Schaarup Sørensen, Jens and Schmidt, Marius and Schmidt, Patrick and Schmitt Oehler, Maria and Schrader, Frederik and Segers, Jan and Simioni, Guillaume and Smith, Paul and Snellen, Henk and Sorgi, Tiziano and Soudani, Kamel and Staník, Karel and Staudinger, Markus and Stecher, Martin and Stutz, Tanja and Suopajärvi, Sami and Sutter, Flurin and Taipale, Risto and Tallec, Tiphaine and Tenca, Fabio and Thimonier Rickenmann, Anne and Thyrion, Thibaut and Tomelleri, Enrico and Tosca, Maurizio and Trotsiuk, Volodymyr and Trusina, Jan and Tuittila, Eeva-Stiina and Tuovinen, Juha-Pekka and Tyssandier, Jacques and Tülp, Holger and Van Look, Jasper and Varjonen, Samu and Vesala, Timo and Vescovo, Loris and Vincent, Gaëlle and Vincke, Caroline and Vitale, Luca and Vágner, Lukáš and Waldner, Peter and Wiesen, Robert and Winck, Bruna and Yeung, Karen and Zampedri, Roberto and Zawilski, Bartosz and Zenone, Terenzio and Zimmermann, Stephan and Zweifel, Roman and van Dijk, Netty and van der Molen, Michiel and Öquist, Mats and Šigut, Ladislav and Šlížek, Jirí and {ICOS ETC}},
  keywords = {Biogeochemical cycles, processes, and modeling, Troposphere: composition and chemistry, Carbon Cycle, CO2 biogenic exchange fluxes, Surface energy balance},
  title = {Ecosystem final quality (L2) product in ETC-Archive format - INTERIM release 2023-2},
  publisher = {ICOS ERIC -- Carbon Portal},
  year = {2023},
  copyright = {CC BY 4.0}
T1  - Ecosystem final quality (L2) product in ETC-Archive format - INTERIM release 2023-2
AU  - Aalto, Juho
AU  - Aiguier, Thomas
AU  - Alivernini, Alessandro
AU  - Aluome, Christelle
AU  - Andersson, Tommy
AU  - Arriga, Nicola
AU  - Aurela, Mika
AU  - Back, Jaana
AU  - Barten, Sjoerd
AU  - Baur, Thomas
AU  - Bazot, Stéphane
AU  - Beauclair, Patrick
AU  - Becker, Nils
AU  - Becker, Nils
AU  - Belelli Marchesini, Luca
AU  - Bergström, Gunnar
AU  - Bernhofer, Christian
AU  - Berveiller, Daniel
AU  - Biermann, Tobias
AU  - Bloor, Juliette
AU  - Bodson, Bernard
AU  - Bogaerts, Gaëtan
AU  - Bortoli, Massimo
AU  - Bosio, Isabelle
AU  - Brut, Aurore
AU  - Brümmer, Christian
AU  - Buchmann, Nina
AU  - Buysse, Pauline
AU  - Båth, Anders
AU  - Calandrelli, Davide
AU  - Cavagna, Mauro
AU  - Ceschia, Eric
AU  - Chabbi, Abad
AU  - Chebbi, Wafa
AU  - Chianucci, Francesco
AU  - Chipeaux, Christophe
AU  - Chopin, Henri
AU  - Claverie, Nicole
AU  - Cobbe, Ivo
AU  - Colosse, David
AU  - Conte, Adriano
AU  - Corsanici, Roberto
AU  - Courtois, Pascal
AU  - Coyle, Mhairi
AU  - Crill, Patrick
AU  - Cuntz, Matthias
AU  - Cuocolo, Donato
AU  - Czerný, Radek
AU  - DEPUYDT, Jeremie
AU  - Darenová, Eva
AU  - Darsonville, Olivier
AU  - De Ligne, Anne
AU  - De Meulder, Tim
AU  - De Simon, Giuseppe
AU  - Decau, Marie-Laure
AU  - Dell'Acqua, Alessandro
AU  - Delorme, Jean-Pierre
AU  - Delpierre, Nicolas
AU  - Demoulin, Loïc
AU  - Denou, Jean-Luc
AU  - Di Matteo, Bruno
AU  - Di Tommasi, Paul
AU  - Dienstbach, Laura
AU  - Dignam, Rowan
AU  - Dolfus, Daniel
AU  - Domec, Jean-Christophe
AU  - Douxfils, Bernard
AU  - Dufrêne, Eric
AU  - Dumont, Benjamin
AU  - Durand, Brigitte
AU  - Eichelmann, Uwe
AU  - Engelmann, Thibaut
AU  - Esposito, Andrea
AU  - Esser, Odilia
AU  - Etzold, Sophia
AU  - Eugster, Werner
AU  - Famulari, Daniela
AU  - Fares, Silvano
AU  - Faurès, Ariane
AU  - Feigenwinter, Iris
AU  - Feldmann, Isabella
AU  - Fincham, William
AU  - Fischer, Milan
AU  - Foltýnová, Lenka
AU  - Friborg, Thomas
AU  - Galliot, Jean-Noel
AU  - Garcia Quiros, Inmaculada
AU  - Garrigou, Cyriane
AU  - Gasbarra, Daniele
AU  - Gessler, Arthur
AU  - Gharun, Mana
AU  - Gianelle, Damiano
AU  - Gimper, Sebastian
AU  - Goded, Ignacio
AU  - Graf, Alexander
AU  - Granouillac, Franck
AU  - Grenier, Maude
AU  - Grudd, Håkan
AU  - Grünwald, Thomas
AU  - Guillot, Timothé
AU  - Harvey, Duncan
AU  - Hatakka, Juha
AU  - Haustein, Andreas
AU  - Hehn, Markus
AU  - Heinesch, Bernard
AU  - Helfter, Carole
AU  - Heliasz, Michal
AU  - Holst, Jutta
AU  - Holst, Thomas
AU  - Hug, Christian
AU  - Häni, Mattias
AU  - Hörtnagl, Lukas
AU  - Ibrom, Andreas
AU  - Ilardi, Filippo
AU  - Jackowicz-Korczynski, Marcin Antoni
AU  - Janssens, Ivan
AU  - Jensen, Rasmus
AU  - Jocher, Georg
AU  - Joetzjer, Emilie
AU  - Jones, Matthew
AU  - Kempf, Jean
AU  - Kettler, Martina
AU  - Kljun, Natascha
AU  - Klumpp, Katja
AU  - Kolari, Pasi
AU  - Korrensalo, Aino
AU  - Kowalska, Natalia
AU  - Kozii, Nataliia
AU  - Krejza, Jan
AU  - Kristoffersson, Annika
AU  - Kruijt, Bart
AU  - Kruszewski, Alain
AU  - Kumar, Simpal
AU  - Kummer, Sirgit
AU  - Laakso, Heikki
AU  - Lafont, Sebastien
AU  - Lange Rønn, Erik
AU  - Larmanou, Eric
AU  - Laurila, Tuomas
AU  - Leeson, Sarah
AU  - Lefevre, Lodewijk
AU  - Lehner, Irene
AU  - Lemaire, Baptiste
AU  - Levula, Janne
AU  - Levy, Peter
AU  - Liechti, Käthi
AU  - Lily, Jean-Baptiste
AU  - Limousin, Jean-Marc
AU  - Linderson, Maj-Lena
AU  - Lindgren, Kim
AU  - Lohila, Annalea
AU  - Longdoz, Bernard
AU  - Lootens, Ron
AU  - Loubet, Benjamin
AU  - Loustau, Denis
AU  - Lundin, Erik
AU  - López-Blanco, Efrén
AU  - Löfvenius, Pernilla
AU  - Magliulo, Vincenzo
AU  - Mammarella, Ivan
AU  - Manco, Antonio
AU  - Manise, Tanguy
AU  - Marcolla, Barbara
AU  - Marek, Michal V.
AU  - Marklund, Per
AU  - Marloie, Olivier
AU  - Martin, Raphael
AU  - Martin - Saint Paul, Nicolas
AU  - Marty, Mauro
AU  - Matilainen, Teemu
AU  - Mattes, Judith
AU  - Matteucci, Marco
AU  - Mauder, Matthias
AU  - Meier, Philip
AU  - Meire, Alexander
AU  - Meis, Julia
AU  - Mensah, Caleb
AU  - Michaud, Luc
AU  - Minerbi, Stefano
AU  - Moderow, Uta
AU  - Montagnani, Leonardo
AU  - Moretti, Valerio
AU  - Morfin, Alexandre
AU  - Mullinger, Neil
AU  - Mäkelä, Timo
AU  - Männikkö, Milja
AU  - Männistö, Elisa
AU  - Mölder, Meelis
AU  - Møller, Flemming
AU  - Naiken, Alwin
AU  - Naseer, Mahum
AU  - Nemitz, Eiko
AU  - Nezval, Ondrej
AU  - Nilsson, Mats
AU  - Orgun, Ayche
AU  - Ottosson-Löfvenius, Mikaell
AU  - Ourcival, Jean-Marc
AU  - Paasch, Simon
AU  - Pavelka, Marian
AU  - Peichl, Matthias
AU  - Perot-Guillaume, Clotilde
AU  - Perrot, Cedric
AU  - Pihlatie, Mari
AU  - Pilegaard, Kim
AU  - Piret, André
AU  - Prasse, Heiko
AU  - Pumpanen, Jukka
AU  - Rainne, Juuso
AU  - Rakos, Niklas
AU  - Rasmussen, Lars
AU  - Rebmann, Corinna
AU  - Rinne, Janne
AU  - Rodeghiero, Mirco
AU  - Roland, Marilyn
AU  - Rudd, Daniel
AU  - Røjle Christensen, Torben
AU  - Schaarup Sørensen, Jens
AU  - Schmidt, Marius
AU  - Schmidt, Patrick
AU  - Schmitt Oehler, Maria
AU  - Schrader, Frederik
AU  - Segers, Jan
AU  - Simioni, Guillaume
AU  - Smith, Paul
AU  - Snellen, Henk
AU  - Sorgi, Tiziano
AU  - Soudani, Kamel
AU  - Staník, Karel
AU  - Staudinger, Markus
AU  - Stecher, Martin
AU  - Stutz, Tanja
AU  - Suopajärvi, Sami
AU  - Sutter, Flurin
AU  - Taipale, Risto
AU  - Tallec, Tiphaine
AU  - Tenca, Fabio
AU  - Thimonier Rickenmann, Anne
AU  - Thyrion, Thibaut
AU  - Tomelleri, Enrico
AU  - Tosca, Maurizio
AU  - Trotsiuk, Volodymyr
AU  - Trusina, Jan
AU  - Tuittila, Eeva-Stiina
AU  - Tuovinen, Juha-Pekka
AU  - Tyssandier, Jacques
AU  - Tülp, Holger
AU  - Van Look, Jasper
AU  - Varjonen, Samu
AU  - Vesala, Timo
AU  - Vescovo, Loris
AU  - Vincent, Gaëlle
AU  - Vincke, Caroline
AU  - Vitale, Luca
AU  - Vágner, Lukáš
AU  - Waldner, Peter
AU  - Wiesen, Robert
AU  - Winck, Bruna
AU  - Yeung, Karen
AU  - Zampedri, Roberto
AU  - Zawilski, Bartosz
AU  - Zenone, Terenzio
AU  - Zimmermann, Stephan
AU  - Zweifel, Roman
AU  - van Dijk, Netty
AU  - van der Molen, Michiel
AU  - Öquist, Mats
AU  - Šigut, Ladislav
AU  - Šlížek, Jirí
DO  - 10.18160/JYAR-7YEH
UR  - https://meta.icos-cp.eu/collections/J2BoK_yyL_sJ5RKKiKrOa4sa
AB  - This is the 2023-2 INTERIM release of the ICOS final quality ecosystem data product that includes eddy covariance fluxes, meteorological observations, ancillary and biometric data and full metadata at 39 labelled ICOS stations in the ecosystem domain. The archives contain more detailed description of the different data files contained in the archives. Please note that the 2023 measurements included in this interim release don't cover the full year, but do essentially cover the growing season. Measurements have been collected using the following instructions:
ICOS Ecosystem Instructions for Air Meteorological Measurements (TA, RH, PA, WS, WD), https://doi.org/10.18160/NHEG-4KWW
ICOS Ecosystem Instructions for Turbulent Flux Measurements of CO2, Energy and Momentum, https://doi.org/10.18160/QWV4-639G
KW  - Biogeochemical cycles, processes, and modeling
KW  - Troposphere: composition and chemistry
KW  - Carbon Cycle
KW  - CO2 biogenic exchange fluxes
KW  - Surface energy balance
PY  - 2023
PB  - ICOS ERIC -- Carbon Portal
ER  -


