ETC L2 Meteo, Tharandt

11676/BR2XsKtqQBnwd0uUdqV66Y1L (link)

Half-hourly meteorological variables with values aggregated spatially (e.g. one single soil temperature value per layer) calculated by the ICOS ETC starting from the single sensor half-hourly measurements.

Work was funded by grant C-Speicherung und -Freisetzung aus Böden unter landwirtschaftlicher und forstlicher Nutzung (1-0452/147/158) from Freistaat Sachsen
Work was funded by grant Sicherstellung des Treibhausgasmonitorings an sächsischen ICOS-Standorten (65-0456/49/10) from Freistaat Sachsen
Work was funded by grant Sicherstellung des Treibhausgasmonitorings an sächsischen ICOS-Standorten (65-0456/46/28) from Freistaat Sachsen
Bernhofer, C., Eichelmann, U., Grünwald, T., Hehn, M., Mauder, M., Moderow, U., Prasse, H. (2024). ETC L2 Meteo, Tharandt, 2019-12-31–2024-10-20, ICOS RI, https://hdl.handle.net/11676/BR2XsKtqQBnwd0uUdqV66Y1L
  author={Bernhofer, Christian and Eichelmann, Uwe and Grünwald, Thomas and Hehn, Markus and Mauder, Matthias and Moderow, Uta and Prasse, Heiko},
  title={ETC L2 Meteo, Tharandt, 2019-12-31–2024-10-20},
  publisher={Ecosystem Thematic Centre},
T1 - ETC L2 Meteo, Tharandt, 2019-12-31–2024-10-20
ID - 11676/BR2XsKtqQBnwd0uUdqV66Y1L
PY - 2024
UR - https://hdl.handle.net/11676/BR2XsKtqQBnwd0uUdqV66Y1L
PB - Ecosystem Thematic Centre
AU - Bernhofer, Christian
AU - Eichelmann, Uwe
AU - Grünwald, Thomas
AU - Hehn, Markus
AU - Mauder, Matthias
AU - Moderow, Uta
AU - Prasse, Heiko
ER - 
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6 MB (6775084 bytes)


2019-12-31 23:00:00
2024-10-20 23:00:00


2024-12-12 12:08:46

Previewable variables

Name Value type Unit Quantity kind Preview
TIMESTAMP time instant, UTC
TIMESTAMP_END time instant, local non-DST time
G_1 soil heat flux W m-2 energy flux Preview
G_2 soil heat flux W m-2 energy flux Preview
SWC_1 volumetric soil water content % portion Preview
SWC_2 volumetric soil water content % portion Preview
SWC_3 volumetric soil water content % portion Preview
SWC_4 volumetric soil water content % portion Preview
TS_1 soil temperature °C temperature Preview
TS_2 soil temperature °C temperature Preview
TS_3 soil temperature °C temperature Preview
TS_4 soil temperature °C temperature Preview
TS_5 soil temperature °C temperature Preview
P precipitation (total) mm length Preview
PPFD_IN photosynthetic photon flux density incoming µmol m-2 s-1 particle flux Preview
PPFD_DIF photosynthetic photon flux density diffuse µmol m-2 s-1 particle flux Preview
SW_IN incoming shortwave radiation W m-2 energy flux Preview
SW_OUT outgoing shortwave radiation W m-2 energy flux Preview
LW_IN incoming long-wave radiation, net radiometer W m-2 energy flux Preview
LW_OUT outgoing long-wave radiation, net radiometer W m-2 energy flux Preview
D_SNOW snow depth cm length Preview
PA atmospheric pressure kPa pressure Preview
TA air temperature °C temperature Preview
RH relative humidity % portion Preview
PPFD_OUT photosynthetic photon flux density outgoing µmol m-2 s-1 particle flux Preview
PPFD_BC_IN photosynthetic photon flux density below canopy incoming µmol m-2 s-1 particle flux Preview
TA_1 air temperature °C temperature Preview
TA_2 air temperature °C temperature Preview
TA_3 air temperature °C temperature Preview
TA_4 air temperature °C temperature Preview
TA_5 air temperature °C temperature Preview
TA_6 air temperature °C temperature Preview
TA_7 air temperature °C temperature Preview
TA_8 air temperature °C temperature Preview
TA_9 air temperature °C temperature Preview
TA_10 air temperature °C temperature Preview
TA_11 air temperature °C temperature Preview
TA_12 air temperature °C temperature Preview
VPD vapour pressure deficit hPa pressure Preview
RH_1 relative humidity % portion Preview
RH_2 relative humidity % portion Preview
VPD_1 vapour pressure deficit hPa pressure Preview
VPD_2 vapour pressure deficit hPa pressure Preview
P_SNOW precipitation (snow) mm length Preview
WS wind speed m s-1 velocity Preview
WD wind direction ° angle Preview




2024-12-12 11:09:07
2024-12-12 11:08:48

Technical information

1, 0
Lat: 50.96256, Lon: 13.56515, Alt: 380.0 m
ICOS meteo