ETC L2 Meteosens, Hyltemossa


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11676/GynS06XJesBSlZ44uSuEltFH (link)

Half-hourly meteorological variables for each single sensor calculated by the ICOS ETC starting from the raw data.

Work was funded by grant National Research Infrastructure ICOS Sweden (2015-06020) from Swedish Research Council
Work was funded by grant National Research Infrastructure ICOS Sweden (2019-00205) from Swedish Research Council
Heliasz, M., Biermann, T., Holst, J., Holst, T., Linderson, M., Molder, M., Rinne, J. (2021). ETC L2 Meteosens, Hyltemossa, 2017-12-31–2021-08-31, ICOS RI, https://hdl.handle.net/11676/GynS06XJesBSlZ44uSuEltFH
  author={Heliasz, Michal and Biermann, Tobias and Holst, Jutta and Holst, Thomas and Linderson, Maj-Lena and Molder, Meelis and Rinne, Janne},
  title={ETC L2 Meteosens, Hyltemossa, 2017-12-31–2021-08-31},
  publisher={Ecosystem Thematic Centre},
T1 - ETC L2 Meteosens, Hyltemossa, 2017-12-31–2021-08-31
ID - 11676/GynS06XJesBSlZ44uSuEltFH
PY - 2021
UR - https://hdl.handle.net/11676/GynS06XJesBSlZ44uSuEltFH
PB - Ecosystem Thematic Centre
AU - Heliasz, Michal
AU - Biermann, Tobias
AU - Holst, Jutta
AU - Holst, Thomas
AU - Linderson, Maj-Lena
AU - Molder, Meelis
AU - Rinne, Janne
ER - 
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11 MB (11078275 bytes)


2017-12-31 23:00:00
2021-08-31 23:00:00


2021-12-15 10:23:24
Temporal coverage adjusted

Previewable variables

Name Value type Unit Quantity kind Preview Instrument Deployments
TIMESTAMP time instant, UTC
TIMESTAMP_END time instant, local non-DST time
D_SNOW_1_1_1 snow depth cm length Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2016-12-31 23:00:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 56.093631
Longitude: 13.428155
Altitude: 1.9 m
SNOW-Campbell SR50x (5786)
G_1_1_1 soil heat flux W m-2 energy flux Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2014-12-31 23:00:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 56.098303
Longitude: 13.418801
Altitude: -0.05 m
SOIL_H-Hukseflux HFP01SC (3812)
G_2_1_1 soil heat flux W m-2 energy flux Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2014-12-31 23:00:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 56.098052
Longitude: 13.419586
Altitude: -0.05 m
SOIL_H-Hukseflux HFP01SC (3813)
G_3_1_1 soil heat flux W m-2 energy flux Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2014-12-31 23:00:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 56.097056
Longitude: 13.419183
Altitude: -0.05 m
SOIL_H-Hukseflux HFP01SC (3814)
G_4_1_1 soil heat flux W m-2 energy flux Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2014-12-31 23:00:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 56.097601
Longitude: 13.417794
Altitude: -0.05 m
SOIL_H-Hukseflux HFP01SC (3815)
LW_IN_1_1_1 incoming long-wave radiation, net radiometer W m-2 energy flux Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2014-12-31 23:00:00
Stop: 2018-09-19 15:40:00
Latitude: 56.097581
Longitude: 13.419002
Altitude: 50.0 m
RAD_4C-K&Z CNR4 (140118)
Start: 2018-09-19 15:40:00
Stop: 2018-11-26 16:00:00
Latitude: 56.097581
Longitude: 13.419002
Altitude: 50.0 m
RAD_4C-K&Z CNR4 (171226)
Start: 2018-11-26 16:00:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 56.097581
Longitude: 13.419002
Altitude: 50.0 m
RAD_4C-K&Z CNR4 (140118)
LW_OUT_1_1_1 outgoing long-wave radiation, net radiometer W m-2 energy flux Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2014-12-31 23:00:00
Stop: 2018-09-19 15:40:00
Latitude: 56.097581
Longitude: 13.419002
Altitude: 50.0 m
RAD_4C-K&Z CNR4 (140118)
Start: 2018-09-19 15:40:00
Stop: 2018-11-26 16:00:00
Latitude: 56.097581
Longitude: 13.419002
Altitude: 50.0 m
RAD_4C-K&Z CNR4 (171226)
Start: 2018-11-26 16:00:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 56.097581
Longitude: 13.419002
Altitude: 50.0 m
RAD_4C-K&Z CNR4 (140118)
P_1_1_1 precipitation (total) mm length Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2017-09-28 15:30:00
Stop: 2018-10-24 13:00:00
Latitude: 56.093632
Longitude: 13.428153
Altitude: 1.5 m
PREC-Geonor T200x (49717)
Start: 2018-10-24 13:00:00
Stop: 2021-07-14 15:00:00
Latitude: 56.093633
Longitude: 13.428151
Altitude: 1.5 m
PREC-Geonor T200x (17418)
Start: 2021-07-14 15:00:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 56.093636
Longitude: 13.428144
Altitude: 1.5 m
PREC-Geonor T200x (26114)
P_2_1_1 precipitation (total) mm length Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2018-03-28 23:00:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 56.093641
Longitude: 13.428136
Altitude: 2.0 m
PREC-WeatherHawk 610 (P_1044_WH)
P_3_1_1 precipitation (total) mm length Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2018-10-04 23:00:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 56.09746
Longitude: 13.419548
Altitude: 6.3 m
PREC-Lambrecht rainE(Modbus) (15184)
PA_1_1_1 atmospheric pressure kPa pressure Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2014-12-31 23:00:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 56.09747
Longitude: 13.419529
Altitude: 3.5 m
PRES-Vaisala PTB210 (K2340006)
PA_2_1_1 atmospheric pressure kPa pressure Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2018-03-28 23:00:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 56.093641
Longitude: 13.428136
Altitude: 2.0 m
PRES-WeatherHawk 610 (PA_1044_WH)
PPFD_DIF_1_1_1 photosynthetic photon flux density diffuse µmol m-2 s-1 particle flux Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2014-12-31 23:00:00
Stop: 2020-01-22 14:29:00
Latitude: 56.09763
Longitude: 13.418973
Altitude: 150.0 m
RAD_PAR-DeltaT BF5 (46/02)
Start: 2020-01-22 14:29:00
Stop: 2021-09-23 21:32:00
Latitude: 56.09763
Longitude: 13.418973
Altitude: 150.0 m
RAD_PAR-DeltaT BF5 (76/06)
PPFD_IN_1_1_1 photosynthetic photon flux density incoming µmol m-2 s-1 particle flux Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2014-12-31 23:00:00
Stop: 2020-01-22 14:29:00
Latitude: 56.09763
Longitude: 13.418973
Altitude: 150.0 m
RAD_PAR-DeltaT BF5 (46/02)
Start: 2020-01-22 14:29:00
Stop: 2021-09-23 21:32:00
Latitude: 56.09763
Longitude: 13.418973
Altitude: 150.0 m
RAD_PAR-DeltaT BF5 (76/06)
PPFD_IN_1_2_1 photosynthetic photon flux density incoming µmol m-2 s-1 particle flux Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2018-03-19 23:00:00
Stop: 2020-06-29 18:01:00
Latitude: 56.097585
Longitude: 13.419
Altitude: 50.0 m
RAD_PAR-LI-COR LI190R (Q105119)
Start: 2020-06-29 18:01:00
Stop: 2021-05-03 12:43:00
Latitude: 56.097586
Longitude: 13.419
Altitude: 50.0 m
RAD_PAR-LI-COR LI190R (Q105120)
Start: 2021-05-03 12:43:00
Stop: 2022-07-26 11:15:00
Latitude: 56.097586
Longitude: 13.419
Altitude: 50.0 m
RAD_PAR-LI-COR LI190R (Q105119)
PPFD_OUT_1_1_1 photosynthetic photon flux density outgoing µmol m-2 s-1 particle flux Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2018-03-19 23:00:00
Stop: 2020-06-29 18:01:00
Latitude: 56.097585
Longitude: 13.419
Altitude: 50.0 m
RAD_PAR-LI-COR LI190R (Q105118)
Start: 2020-06-29 18:01:00
Stop: 2021-05-03 12:43:00
Latitude: 56.097586
Longitude: 13.419
Altitude: 50.0 m
RAD_PAR-LI-COR LI190R (Q105121)
Start: 2021-05-03 12:43:00
Stop: 2022-07-27 19:30:00
Latitude: 56.097586
Longitude: 13.419
Altitude: 50.0 m
RAD_PAR-LI-COR LI190R (Q105118)
RH_1_1_1 relative humidity % portion Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2014-12-31 23:00:00
Stop: 2020-10-05 13:00:00
Latitude: 56.097615
Longitude: 13.418953
Altitude: 24.0 m
RHTEMP-Rotronic HC2(A)-S (61444669)
Start: 2020-10-05 13:00:00
Stop: 2021-09-23 21:32:00
Latitude: 56.097615
Longitude: 13.418953
Altitude: 24.0 m
RHTEMP-Rotronic HC2(A)-S (20421055)
RH_2_1_1 relative humidity % portion Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2018-03-28 23:00:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 56.093641
Longitude: 13.428136
Altitude: 2.0 m
RH-WeatherHawk 610 (RH_1044_WH)
RH_3_1_1 relative humidity % portion Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2018-10-04 23:00:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 56.097391
Longitude: 13.419539
Altitude: 27.0 m
RHTEMP-Rotronic HC2(A)-S (20209144)
SW_IN_1_1_1 incoming shortwave radiation W m-2 energy flux Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2014-12-31 23:00:00
Stop: 2023-05-24 23:00:00
Latitude: 56.09763
Longitude: 13.41897
Altitude: 150.0 m
RAD_SW-K&Z CMP21 (140001)
SW_IN_1_2_1 incoming shortwave radiation W m-2 energy flux Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2014-12-31 23:00:00
Stop: 2018-09-19 15:40:00
Latitude: 56.097581
Longitude: 13.419002
Altitude: 50.0 m
RAD_4C-K&Z CNR4 (140118)
Start: 2018-09-19 15:40:00
Stop: 2018-11-26 16:00:00
Latitude: 56.097581
Longitude: 13.419002
Altitude: 50.0 m
RAD_4C-K&Z CNR4 (171226)
Start: 2018-11-26 16:00:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 56.097581
Longitude: 13.419002
Altitude: 50.0 m
RAD_4C-K&Z CNR4 (140118)
SW_OUT_1_1_1 outgoing shortwave radiation W m-2 energy flux Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2014-12-31 23:00:00
Stop: 2018-09-19 15:40:00
Latitude: 56.097581
Longitude: 13.419002
Altitude: 50.0 m
RAD_4C-K&Z CNR4 (140118)
Start: 2018-09-19 15:40:00
Stop: 2018-11-26 16:00:00
Latitude: 56.097581
Longitude: 13.419002
Altitude: 50.0 m
RAD_4C-K&Z CNR4 (171226)
Start: 2018-11-26 16:00:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 56.097581
Longitude: 13.419002
Altitude: 50.0 m
RAD_4C-K&Z CNR4 (140118)
SWC_1_1_1 volumetric soil water content % portion Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2014-12-31 23:00:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 56.0983
Longitude: 13.418802
Altitude: -0.03 m
SWCTEMP-DeltaT ML3 (Htm_SWC_1_1)
SWC_1_2_1 volumetric soil water content % portion Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2014-12-31 23:00:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 56.0983
Longitude: 13.418802
Altitude: -0.05 m
SWCTEMP-DeltaT ML3 (Htm_SWC_1_2)
SWC_1_3_1 volumetric soil water content % portion Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2014-12-31 23:00:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 56.0983
Longitude: 13.418802
Altitude: -0.1 m
SWCTEMP-DeltaT ML3 (Htm_SWC_1_3)
SWC_1_4_1 volumetric soil water content % portion Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2014-12-31 23:00:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 56.0983
Longitude: 13.418802
Altitude: -0.3 m
SWCTEMP-DeltaT ML3 (Htm_SWC_1_4)
SWC_1_5_1 volumetric soil water content % portion Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2014-12-31 23:00:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 56.0983
Longitude: 13.418802
Altitude: -1.0 m
SWCTEMP-DeltaT ML3 (Htm_SWC_1_5)
SWC_2_1_1 volumetric soil water content % portion Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2014-12-31 23:00:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 56.098052
Longitude: 13.419591
Altitude: -0.03 m
SWCTEMP-DeltaT ML3 (Htm_SWC_2_1)
SWC_2_2_1 volumetric soil water content % portion Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2014-12-31 23:00:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 56.098052
Longitude: 13.419591
Altitude: -0.05 m
SWCTEMP-DeltaT ML3 (Htm_SWC_2_2)
SWC_2_3_1 volumetric soil water content % portion Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2014-12-31 23:00:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 56.098052
Longitude: 13.419591
Altitude: -0.1 m
SWCTEMP-DeltaT ML3 (Htm_SWC_2_3)
SWC_2_4_1 volumetric soil water content % portion Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2014-12-31 23:00:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 56.098052
Longitude: 13.419591
Altitude: -0.3 m
SWCTEMP-DeltaT ML3 (Htm_SWC_2_4)
SWC_2_5_1 volumetric soil water content % portion Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2014-12-31 23:00:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 56.098052
Longitude: 13.419591
Altitude: -1.0 m
SWCTEMP-DeltaT ML3 (Htm_SWC_2_5)
SWC_3_1_1 volumetric soil water content % portion Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2014-12-31 23:00:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 56.097059
Longitude: 13.419182
Altitude: -0.03 m
SWCTEMP-DeltaT ML3 (Htm_SWC_3_1)
SWC_3_2_1 volumetric soil water content % portion Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2014-12-31 23:00:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 56.097059
Longitude: 13.419182
Altitude: -0.05 m
SWCTEMP-DeltaT ML3 (Htm_SWC_3_2)
SWC_3_3_1 volumetric soil water content % portion Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2014-12-31 23:00:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 56.097059
Longitude: 13.419182
Altitude: -0.1 m
SWCTEMP-DeltaT ML3 (Htm_SWC_3_3)
SWC_3_4_1 volumetric soil water content % portion Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2014-12-31 23:00:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 56.097059
Longitude: 13.419182
Altitude: -0.3 m
SWCTEMP-DeltaT ML3 (Htm_SWC_3_4)
SWC_3_5_1 volumetric soil water content % portion Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2014-12-31 23:00:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 56.097059
Longitude: 13.419182
Altitude: -0.75 m
SWCTEMP-DeltaT ML3 (Htm_SWC_3_5)
SWC_4_1_1 volumetric soil water content % portion Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2014-12-31 23:00:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 56.097604
Longitude: 13.417794
Altitude: -0.03 m
SWCTEMP-DeltaT ML3 (Htm_SWC_4_1)
SWC_4_2_1 volumetric soil water content % portion Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2014-12-31 23:00:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 56.097604
Longitude: 13.417794
Altitude: -0.05 m
SWCTEMP-DeltaT ML3 (Htm_SWC_4_2)
SWC_4_3_1 volumetric soil water content % portion Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2014-12-31 23:00:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 56.097604
Longitude: 13.417794
Altitude: -0.1 m
SWCTEMP-DeltaT ML3 (Htm_SWC_4_3)
SWC_4_4_1 volumetric soil water content % portion Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2014-12-31 23:00:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 56.097604
Longitude: 13.417794
Altitude: -0.3 m
SWCTEMP-DeltaT ML3 (Htm_SWC_4_4)
SWC_4_5_1 volumetric soil water content % portion Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2014-12-31 23:00:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 56.097604
Longitude: 13.417794
Altitude: -1.0 m
SWCTEMP-DeltaT ML3 (Htm_SWC_4_5)
TA_1_1_1 air temperature °C temperature Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2014-12-31 23:00:00
Stop: 2020-10-05 13:00:00
Latitude: 56.097615
Longitude: 13.418953
Altitude: 24.0 m
RHTEMP-Rotronic HC2(A)-S (61444669)
Start: 2020-10-05 13:00:00
Stop: 2021-09-23 21:32:00
Latitude: 56.097615
Longitude: 13.418953
Altitude: 24.0 m
RHTEMP-Rotronic HC2(A)-S (20421055)
TA_2_1_1 air temperature °C temperature Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2014-12-31 23:00:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 56.097606
Longitude: 13.418923
Altitude: 148.0 m
TEMP-Campbell 105T (TA_2_1_1)
TA_2_10_1 air temperature °C temperature Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2014-12-31 23:00:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 56.097606
Longitude: 13.418923
Altitude: 19.0 m
TEMP-Campbell 105T (TA_2_10_1)
TA_2_11_1 air temperature °C temperature Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2014-12-31 23:00:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 56.097606
Longitude: 13.418923
Altitude: 14.0 m
TEMP-Campbell 105T (TA_2_11_1)
TA_2_12_1 air temperature °C temperature Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2014-12-31 23:00:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 56.097606
Longitude: 13.418923
Altitude: 9.0 m
TEMP-Campbell 105T (TA_2_12_1)
TA_2_13_1 air temperature °C temperature Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2014-12-31 23:00:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 56.097615
Longitude: 13.418526
Altitude: 4.0 m
TEMP-Campbell 105T (TA_2_13_1)
TA_2_14_1 air temperature °C temperature Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2014-12-31 23:00:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 56.097615
Longitude: 13.418526
Altitude: 1.0 m
TEMP-Campbell 105T (TA_2_14_1)
TA_2_2_1 air temperature °C temperature Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2014-12-31 23:00:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 56.097606
Longitude: 13.418923
Altitude: 125.0 m
TEMP-Campbell 105T (TA_2_2_1)
TA_2_3_1 air temperature °C temperature Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2014-12-31 23:00:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 56.097606
Longitude: 13.418923
Altitude: 100.0 m
TEMP-Campbell 105T (TA_2_3_1)
TA_2_4_1 air temperature °C temperature Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2014-12-31 23:00:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 56.097606
Longitude: 13.418923
Altitude: 85.0 m
TEMP-Campbell 105T (TA_2_4_1)
TA_2_5_1 air temperature °C temperature Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2014-12-31 23:00:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 56.097606
Longitude: 13.418923
Altitude: 70.0 m
TEMP-Campbell 105T (TA_2_5_1)
TA_2_6_1 air temperature °C temperature Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2014-12-31 23:00:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 56.097606
Longitude: 13.418923
Altitude: 55.0 m
TEMP-Campbell 105T (TA_2_6_1)
TA_2_7_1 air temperature °C temperature Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2014-12-31 23:00:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 56.097606
Longitude: 13.418923
Altitude: 40.0 m
TEMP-Campbell 105T (TA_2_7_1)
TA_2_8_1 air temperature °C temperature Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2014-12-31 23:00:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 56.097606
Longitude: 13.418923
Altitude: 30.0 m
TEMP-Campbell 105T (TA_2_8_1)
TA_2_9_1 air temperature °C temperature Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2014-12-31 23:00:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 56.097606
Longitude: 13.418923
Altitude: 24.0 m
TEMP-Campbell 105T (TA_2_9_1)
TA_3_1_1 air temperature °C temperature Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2018-03-28 23:00:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 56.093641
Longitude: 13.428136
Altitude: 2.0 m
TEMP-WeatherHawk 610 (TA_1044_WH)
TA_4_1_1 air temperature °C temperature Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2016-12-31 23:00:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 56.093631
Longitude: 13.428155
Altitude: 1.2 m
TEMP-Campbell SR50 AT (TA_5786)
TA_5_1_1 air temperature °C temperature Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2018-10-04 23:00:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 56.097391
Longitude: 13.419539
Altitude: 27.0 m
TEMP-Rotronic MPX02H (61795838)
TA_5_1_2 air temperature °C temperature Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2018-10-04 23:00:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 56.097391
Longitude: 13.419539
Altitude: 27.0 m
RHTEMP-Rotronic HC2(A)-S (20209144)
TS_1_1_1 soil temperature °C temperature Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2018-06-20 23:00:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 56.098303
Longitude: 13.418796
Altitude: 0.0 m
TEMP-Campbell 105T (TS_1_1_2)
TS_1_2_1 soil temperature °C temperature Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2018-06-20 23:00:00
Stop: 2020-06-16 17:46:00
Latitude: 56.098303
Longitude: 13.418796
Altitude: -0.05 m
TEMP-Campbell 105T (TS_1_2_2)
Start: 2020-06-16 17:46:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 56.098302
Longitude: 13.418796
Altitude: -0.05 m
TEMP-Campbell 105T (JCSL055708)
TS_1_3_1 soil temperature °C temperature Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2018-06-20 23:00:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 56.098303
Longitude: 13.418796
Altitude: -0.1 m
TEMP-Campbell 105T (TS_1_3_2)
TS_1_4_1 soil temperature °C temperature Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2018-06-20 23:00:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 56.098303
Longitude: 13.418796
Altitude: -0.2 m
TEMP-Campbell 105T (TS_1_4_2)
TS_1_5_1 soil temperature °C temperature Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2018-06-20 23:00:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 56.098303
Longitude: 13.418796
Altitude: -0.5 m
TEMP-Campbell 105T (TS_1_5_2)
TS_1_6_1 soil temperature °C temperature Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2018-06-20 23:00:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 56.098303
Longitude: 13.418796
Altitude: -1.0 m
TEMP-Campbell 105T (TS_1_6_2)
TS_2_1_1 soil temperature °C temperature Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2018-06-20 23:00:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 56.09805
Longitude: 13.419585
Altitude: 0.0 m
TEMP-Campbell 105T (TS_2_1_2)
TS_2_2_1 soil temperature °C temperature Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2018-06-20 23:00:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 56.09805
Longitude: 13.419585
Altitude: -0.05 m
TEMP-Campbell 105T (TS_2_2_2)
TS_2_3_1 soil temperature °C temperature Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2018-06-20 23:00:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 56.09805
Longitude: 13.419585
Altitude: -0.1 m
TEMP-Campbell 105T (TS_2_3_2)
TS_2_4_1 soil temperature °C temperature Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2018-06-20 23:00:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 56.09805
Longitude: 13.419585
Altitude: -0.2 m
TEMP-Campbell 105T (TS_2_4_2)
TS_2_5_1 soil temperature °C temperature Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2018-06-20 23:00:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 56.09805
Longitude: 13.419585
Altitude: -0.5 m
TEMP-Campbell 105T (TS_2_5_2)
TS_2_6_1 soil temperature °C temperature Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2018-06-20 23:00:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 56.09805
Longitude: 13.419585
Altitude: -1.0 m
TEMP-Campbell 105T (TS_2_6_2)
TS_3_1_1 soil temperature °C temperature Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2018-06-20 23:00:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 56.097056
Longitude: 13.41919
Altitude: 0.0 m
TEMP-Campbell 105T (TS_3_1_2)
TS_3_2_1 soil temperature °C temperature Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2018-06-20 23:00:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 56.097056
Longitude: 13.41919
Altitude: -0.05 m
TEMP-Campbell 105T (TS_3_2_2)
TS_3_3_1 soil temperature °C temperature Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2018-06-20 23:00:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 56.097056
Longitude: 13.41919
Altitude: -0.1 m
TEMP-Campbell 105T (TS_3_3_2)
TS_3_4_1 soil temperature °C temperature Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2018-06-20 23:00:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 56.097056
Longitude: 13.41919
Altitude: -0.2 m
TEMP-Campbell 105T (TS_3_4_2)
TS_3_5_1 soil temperature °C temperature Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2018-06-20 23:00:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 56.097056
Longitude: 13.41919
Altitude: -0.5 m
TEMP-Campbell 105T (TS_3_5_2)
TS_3_6_1 soil temperature °C temperature Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2018-06-20 23:00:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 56.097056
Longitude: 13.41919
Altitude: -1.0 m
TEMP-Campbell 105T (TS_3_6_2)
TS_4_1_1 soil temperature °C temperature Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2018-06-20 23:00:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 56.097601
Longitude: 13.417788
Altitude: 0.0 m
TEMP-Campbell 105T (TS_4_1_2)
TS_4_2_1 soil temperature °C temperature Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2018-06-20 23:00:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 56.097601
Longitude: 13.417788
Altitude: -0.05 m
TEMP-Campbell 105T (TS_4_2_2)
TS_4_3_1 soil temperature °C temperature Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2018-06-20 23:00:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 56.097601
Longitude: 13.417788
Altitude: -0.1 m
TEMP-Campbell 105T (TS_4_3_2)
TS_4_4_1 soil temperature °C temperature Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2018-06-20 23:00:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 56.097601
Longitude: 13.417788
Altitude: -0.2 m
TEMP-Campbell 105T (TS_4_4_2)
TS_4_5_1 soil temperature °C temperature Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2018-06-20 23:00:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 56.097601
Longitude: 13.417788
Altitude: -0.5 m
TEMP-Campbell 105T (TS_4_5_2)
TS_4_6_1 soil temperature °C temperature Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2018-06-20 23:00:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 56.097601
Longitude: 13.417788
Altitude: -1.0 m
TEMP-Campbell 105T (TS_4_6_2)
WTD_1_1_1 water table depth m length Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2014-12-31 23:00:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 56.098352
Longitude: 13.418793
Altitude: -3.51 m
WTD-Campbell CS45X (70010628)
WTD_2_1_1 water table depth m length Preview
WTD_3_1_1 water table depth m length Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2014-12-31 23:00:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 56.097074
Longitude: 13.419198
Altitude: -3.03 m
WTD-Campbell CS45X (70010626)
WTD_4_1_1 water table depth m length Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2014-12-31 23:00:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 56.097589
Longitude: 13.4178
Altitude: -2.97 m
WTD-Campbell CS45X (70010627)
SG_1_1_1 soil heat flux W m-2 energy flux Preview
SG_2_1_1 soil heat flux W m-2 energy flux Preview
SG_3_1_1 soil heat flux W m-2 energy flux Preview
SG_4_1_1 soil heat flux W m-2 energy flux Preview




2021-12-15 09:23:39
2021-12-15 09:23:25

Technical information

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ICOS meteo