User Manual of the Heidelberg Radon Monitor

10.18160/BWHB-KFAJ (target, metadata)
11676/ZDr8I6gniA_4y3XwMV2X3gFT (link)
Radon Monitor Documentation_141122.pdf

The Heidelberg Radon Monitor (HRM) that continuously measures the activity concentration of atmospheric 222Radon progeny, which are accumulated on a static filter is described in detail. This includes an introduction into the measurement principle, its hardware realisation, the firmware as well as the spectra evaluation software. Further, the automatic procedure of spectra analysis and transfer of evaluated data to the ICOS Atmospheric Thematic Centre in Near Real Time are presented. Finally, the procedure of manual (monthly) filter change is described in this manual.

Maksym Gachkivskyi, Ingeborg Levin
ICOS ERIC -- Carbon Portal
Gachkivskyi, M., Levin, I., 2022. User Manual of the Heidelberg Radon Monitor. ICOS ERIC -- Carbon Portal. https://doi.org/10.18160/BWHB-KFAJ
  doi = {10.18160/BWHB-KFAJ},
  url = {https://meta.icos-cp.eu/objects/ZDr8I6gniA_4y3XwMV2X3gFT},
  author = {Gachkivskyi, Maksym and Levin, Ingeborg},
  title = {User Manual of the Heidelberg Radon Monitor},
  publisher = {ICOS ERIC -- Carbon Portal},
  year = {2022},
  copyright = {CC4.0BY}
T1  - User Manual of the Heidelberg Radon Monitor
AU  - Gachkivskyi, Maksym
AU  - Levin, Ingeborg
DO  - 10.18160/BWHB-KFAJ
UR  - https://meta.icos-cp.eu/objects/ZDr8I6gniA_4y3XwMV2X3gFT
AB  - The Heidelberg Radon Monitor (HRM) that continuously measures the activity concentration of atmospheric 222Radon progeny, which are accumulated on a static filter is described in detail. This includes an introduction into the measurement principle, its hardware realisation, the firmware as well as the spectra evaluation software. Further, the automatic procedure of spectra analysis and transfer of evaluated data to the ICOS Atmospheric Thematic Centre in Near Real Time are presented. Finally, the procedure of manual (monthly) filter change is described in this manual.
PY  - 2022
PB  - ICOS ERIC -- Carbon Portal
ER  -
2 MB (1766500 bytes)


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