ETC L2 Meteosens, Bily Kriz forest


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11676/l0bXik7d_ma1kL_s_EprxO40 (link)

Half-hourly meteorological variables for each single sensor calculated by the ICOS ETC starting from the raw data.

Work was funded by grant CzeCOS (LM2018123) from Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic
Work was funded by grant CzeCOS (LM2023048) from Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic
Šigut, L., Czerný, R., Darenová, E., Fischer, M., Fischer, M., Foltýnová, L., Jocher, G., Kowalska, N., Krejza, J., Marek, M., Nezval, O., Pavelka, M., Staník, K., Trusina, J., Vágner, L., Šlížek, J. (2024). ETC L2 Meteosens, Bily Kriz forest, 2021-12-31–2023-12-31, ICOS RI, https://hdl.handle.net/11676/l0bXik7d_ma1kL_s_EprxO40
  author={Šigut, Ladislav and Czerný, Radek and Darenová, Eva and Fischer, Milan and Fischer, Milan and Foltýnová, Lenka and Jocher, Georg and Kowalska, Natalia and Krejza, Jan and Marek, Michal V. and Nezval, Ondrej and Pavelka, Marian and Staník, Karel and Trusina, Jan and Vágner, Lukáš and Šlížek, Jirí},
  title={ETC L2 Meteosens, Bily Kriz forest, 2021-12-31–2023-12-31},
  publisher={Ecosystem Thematic Centre},
T1 - ETC L2 Meteosens, Bily Kriz forest, 2021-12-31–2023-12-31
ID - 11676/l0bXik7d_ma1kL_s_EprxO40
PY - 2024
UR - https://hdl.handle.net/11676/l0bXik7d_ma1kL_s_EprxO40
PB - Ecosystem Thematic Centre
AU - Šigut, Ladislav
AU - Czerný, Radek
AU - Darenová, Eva
AU - Fischer, Milan
AU - Fischer, Milan
AU - Foltýnová, Lenka
AU - Jocher, Georg
AU - Kowalska, Natalia
AU - Krejza, Jan
AU - Marek, Michal V.
AU - Nezval, Ondrej
AU - Pavelka, Marian
AU - Staník, Karel
AU - Trusina, Jan
AU - Vágner, Lukáš
AU - Šlížek, Jirí
ER - 
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6 MB (5865397 bytes)


2021-12-31 23:00:00
2023-12-31 23:00:00


2024-03-22 17:22:08

Previewable variables

Name Value type Unit Quantity kind Preview Instrument Deployments
TIMESTAMP time instant, UTC
TIMESTAMP_END time instant, local non-DST time
D_SNOW_1_1_1 snow depth cm length Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2020-10-06 23:00:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 49.502629
Longitude: 18.538637
Altitude: 2.4 m
SNOW-JC Depth Sensor (CZ-BK1_D_SNOW_1_1_1_20201007)
G_2_1_1 soil heat flux W m-2 energy flux Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2019-07-31 23:00:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 49.502273
Longitude: 18.537022
Altitude: -0.05 m
SOIL_H-Hukseflux HFP01SC (3921)
G_3_1_1 soil heat flux W m-2 energy flux Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2015-11-10 23:00:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 49.501825
Longitude: 18.536745
Altitude: -0.05 m
SOIL_H-Hukseflux HFP01SC (3902)
G_4_1_1 soil heat flux W m-2 energy flux Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2015-10-20 23:00:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 49.501793
Longitude: 18.536753
Altitude: -0.05 m
SOIL_H-Hukseflux HFP01SC (3903)
G_5_1_1 soil heat flux W m-2 energy flux Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2022-08-08 09:00:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 49.501424
Longitude: 18.536497
Altitude: -0.05 m
SOIL_H-Hukseflux HFP01SC (3925)
G_6_1_1 soil heat flux W m-2 energy flux Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2022-08-08 09:00:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 49.501439
Longitude: 18.536395
Altitude: -0.05 m
SOIL_H-Hukseflux HFP01SC (3926)
LW_IN_1_1_1 incoming long-wave radiation, net radiometer W m-2 energy flux Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2019-11-10 23:00:00
Stop: 2022-05-05 10:20:00
Latitude: 49.502041
Longitude: 18.53687
Altitude: 36.0 m
RAD_4C-K&Z CNR4 (140123)
Start: 2022-05-05 10:20:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 49.502041
Longitude: 18.53687
Altitude: 36.0 m
RAD_4C-K&Z CNR4 (140125)
LW_OUT_1_1_1 outgoing long-wave radiation, net radiometer W m-2 energy flux Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2019-11-10 23:00:00
Stop: 2022-05-05 10:20:00
Latitude: 49.502041
Longitude: 18.53687
Altitude: 36.0 m
RAD_4C-K&Z CNR4 (140123)
Start: 2022-05-05 10:20:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 49.502041
Longitude: 18.53687
Altitude: 36.0 m
RAD_4C-K&Z CNR4 (140125)
P_1_1_1 precipitation (total) mm length Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2017-11-19 23:00:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 49.502723
Longitude: 18.538528
Altitude: 2.0 m
PREC-OTT Pluvio2 (378748)
P_2_1_1 precipitation (total) mm length Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2008-08-12 23:00:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 49.502073
Longitude: 18.536892
Altitude: 20.0 m
PREC-MetOne 3xx (CZ-BK1_P_2_1_1_20080813)
PA_1_1_1 atmospheric pressure kPa pressure Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2022-04-28 07:15:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 49.502073
Longitude: 18.536887
Altitude: 23.0 m
PRES-Vaisala PTB110 (H4120010)
PPFD_IN_1_1_1 photosynthetic photon flux density incoming µmol m-2 s-1 particle flux Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2021-10-13 23:00:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 49.502073
Longitude: 18.536877
Altitude: 36.0 m
RAD_PAR-LI-COR LI190R (Q112740)
PPFD_OUT_1_1_1 photosynthetic photon flux density outgoing µmol m-2 s-1 particle flux Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2022-05-05 10:50:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 49.502074
Longitude: 18.536938
Altitude: 36.0 m
RAD_PAR-LI-COR LI190R (Q112739)
RH_1_1_1 relative humidity % portion Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2022-04-27 14:28:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 49.502071
Longitude: 18.53688
Altitude: 36.0 m
RHTEMP-Vaisala HMP155 (S4840710)
RH_1_10_1 relative humidity % portion Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2022-03-08 09:10:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 49.502071
Longitude: 18.53688
Altitude: 2.0 m
RHTEMP-Vaisala HMP155 (R4430556)
RH_1_2_1 relative humidity % portion Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2022-04-27 14:28:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 49.502071
Longitude: 18.53688
Altitude: 28.0 m
RHTEMP-Vaisala HMP155 (S4840709)
RH_1_3_1 relative humidity % portion Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2022-04-27 14:28:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 49.502071
Longitude: 18.53688
Altitude: 25.0 m
RHTEMP-Vaisala HMP155 (S4850047)
RH_1_4_1 relative humidity % portion Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2022-04-27 14:28:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 49.502071
Longitude: 18.53688
Altitude: 21.0 m
RHTEMP-Vaisala HMP155 (S4850046)
RH_1_5_1 relative humidity % portion Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2022-04-27 14:28:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 49.502071
Longitude: 18.53688
Altitude: 19.3 m
RHTEMP-Vaisala HMP155 (S4850045)
RH_1_6_1 relative humidity % portion Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2022-04-27 14:28:00
Stop: 2022-09-16 06:35:00
Latitude: 49.502071
Longitude: 18.53688
Altitude: 17.5 m
RHTEMP-Vaisala HMP155 (S4850044)
Start: 2022-09-16 06:35:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 49.502071
Longitude: 18.53688
Altitude: 17.5 m
RHTEMP-Vaisala HMP155 (S4840572)
RH_1_7_1 relative humidity % portion Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2022-04-27 14:28:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 49.502071
Longitude: 18.53688
Altitude: 15.8 m
RHTEMP-Vaisala HMP155 (S4850043)
RH_1_8_1 relative humidity % portion Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2021-03-03 23:00:00
Stop: 2023-04-18 12:45:00
Latitude: 49.502071
Longitude: 18.53688
Altitude: 13.1 m
RHTEMP-Vaisala HMP155 (R4431044)
Start: 2023-04-18 12:45:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 49.502071
Longitude: 18.53688
Altitude: 13.1 m
RHTEMP-Vaisala HMP155 (S4850044)
RH_1_9_1 relative humidity % portion Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2022-04-27 14:28:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 49.502071
Longitude: 18.53688
Altitude: 8.8 m
RHTEMP-Vaisala HMP155 (S4850042)
RH_2_1_1 relative humidity % portion Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2022-02-22 23:00:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 49.502548
Longitude: 18.538599
Altitude: 2.0 m
RHTEMP-Vaisala HMP155 (S4840706)
SG_2_1_1 soil heat flux W m-2 energy flux Preview
SG_3_1_1 soil heat flux W m-2 energy flux Preview
SG_4_1_1 soil heat flux W m-2 energy flux Preview
SG_5_1_1 soil heat flux W m-2 energy flux Preview
SG_6_1_1 soil heat flux W m-2 energy flux Preview
SW_IN_1_1_1 incoming shortwave radiation W m-2 energy flux Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2019-11-10 23:00:00
Stop: 2022-05-05 10:20:00
Latitude: 49.502041
Longitude: 18.53687
Altitude: 36.0 m
RAD_4C-K&Z CNR4 (140123)
Start: 2022-05-05 10:20:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 49.502041
Longitude: 18.53687
Altitude: 36.0 m
RAD_4C-K&Z CNR4 (140125)
SW_IN_2_1_1 incoming shortwave radiation W m-2 energy flux Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2014-07-22 23:00:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 49.502548
Longitude: 18.538689
Altitude: 10.0 m
RAD_SW-DeltaOhm LPPYRAxx (13026978)
SW_OUT_1_1_1 outgoing shortwave radiation W m-2 energy flux Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2019-11-10 23:00:00
Stop: 2022-05-05 10:20:00
Latitude: 49.502041
Longitude: 18.53687
Altitude: 36.0 m
RAD_4C-K&Z CNR4 (140123)
Start: 2022-05-05 10:20:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 49.502041
Longitude: 18.53687
Altitude: 36.0 m
RAD_4C-K&Z CNR4 (140125)
SWC_1_1_1 volumetric soil water content % portion Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2015-10-20 23:00:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 49.502273
Longitude: 18.537018
Altitude: -0.05 m
SWC-Campbell CS6XX (CZ-BK1_SWC_1_1_1_20151021)
SWC_1_2_1 volumetric soil water content % portion Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2015-10-20 23:00:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 49.502273
Longitude: 18.537018
Altitude: -0.1 m
SWC-Campbell CS6XX (CZ-BK1_SWC_1_2_1_20151021)
SWC_1_3_1 volumetric soil water content % portion Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2015-10-20 23:00:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 49.502273
Longitude: 18.537018
Altitude: -0.22 m
SWC-Campbell CS6XX (CZ-BK1_SWC_1_3_1_20151021)
SWC_1_4_1 volumetric soil water content % portion Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2015-10-20 23:00:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 49.502273
Longitude: 18.537018
Altitude: -0.34 m
SWC-Campbell CS6XX (CZ-BK1_SWC_1_4_1_20151021)
SWC_1_5_1 volumetric soil water content % portion Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2015-10-20 23:00:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 49.502273
Longitude: 18.537018
Altitude: -0.42 m
SWC-Campbell CS6XX (CZ-BK1_SWC_1_5_1_20151021)
SWC_2_1_1 volumetric soil water content % portion Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2015-10-20 23:00:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 49.501793
Longitude: 18.536757
Altitude: -0.05 m
SWC-Campbell CS6XX (CZ-BK1_SWC_2_1_1_20151021)
SWC_2_2_1 volumetric soil water content % portion Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2015-10-20 23:00:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 49.501793
Longitude: 18.536757
Altitude: -0.1 m
SWC-Campbell CS6XX (CZ-BK1_SWC_2_2_1_20151021)
SWC_2_3_1 volumetric soil water content % portion Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2015-10-20 23:00:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 49.501793
Longitude: 18.536757
Altitude: -0.22 m
SWC-Campbell CS6XX (CZ-BK1_SWC_2_3_1_20151021)
SWC_2_4_1 volumetric soil water content % portion Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2015-10-20 23:00:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 49.501793
Longitude: 18.536757
Altitude: -0.34 m
SWC-Campbell CS6XX (CZ-BK1_SWC_2_4_1_20151021)
SWC_2_5_1 volumetric soil water content % portion Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2015-10-20 23:00:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 49.501793
Longitude: 18.536757
Altitude: -0.42 m
SWC-Campbell CS6XX (CZ-BK1_SWC_2_5_1_20151021)
SWC_3_1_1 volumetric soil water content % portion Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2022-08-08 09:00:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 49.501805
Longitude: 18.536661
Altitude: -0.05 m
SWC-Campbell CS6XX (CZ-BK1_SWC_3_1_1_20220609)
SWC_4_1_1 volumetric soil water content % portion Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2022-08-08 09:00:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 49.501424
Longitude: 18.536494
Altitude: -0.05 m
SWC-Campbell CS6XX (CZ-BK1_SWC_4_1_1_20220530)
SWC_4_2_1 volumetric soil water content % portion Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2022-08-08 09:00:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 49.501424
Longitude: 18.536494
Altitude: -0.1 m
SWC-Campbell CS6XX (CZ-BK1_SWC_4_2_1_20220530)
SWC_4_3_1 volumetric soil water content % portion Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2022-08-08 09:00:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 49.501424
Longitude: 18.536494
Altitude: -0.22 m
SWC-Campbell CS6XX (CZ-BK1_SWC_4_3_1_20220530)
SWC_4_4_1 volumetric soil water content % portion Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2022-08-08 09:00:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 49.501424
Longitude: 18.536494
Altitude: -0.34 m
SWC-Campbell CS6XX (CZ-BK1_SWC_4_4_1_20220530)
SWC_4_5_1 volumetric soil water content % portion Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2022-08-08 09:00:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 49.501424
Longitude: 18.536494
Altitude: -0.42 m
SWC-Campbell CS6XX (CZ-BK1_SWC_4_5_1_20220530)
SWC_5_1_1 volumetric soil water content % portion Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2022-08-08 09:00:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 49.501439
Longitude: 18.536392
Altitude: -0.05 m
SWC-Campbell CS6XX (CZ-BK1_SWC_5_1_1_20220609)
TA_1_1_1 air temperature °C temperature Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2022-04-27 14:28:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 49.502071
Longitude: 18.53688
Altitude: 36.0 m
RHTEMP-Vaisala HMP155 (S4840710)
TA_1_10_1 air temperature °C temperature Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2022-03-08 09:10:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 49.502071
Longitude: 18.53688
Altitude: 2.0 m
RHTEMP-Vaisala HMP155 (R4430556)
TA_1_2_1 air temperature °C temperature Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2022-04-27 14:28:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 49.502071
Longitude: 18.53688
Altitude: 28.0 m
RHTEMP-Vaisala HMP155 (S4840709)
TA_1_3_1 air temperature °C temperature Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2022-04-27 14:28:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 49.502071
Longitude: 18.53688
Altitude: 25.0 m
RHTEMP-Vaisala HMP155 (S4850047)
TA_1_4_1 air temperature °C temperature Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2022-04-27 14:28:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 49.502071
Longitude: 18.53688
Altitude: 21.0 m
RHTEMP-Vaisala HMP155 (S4850046)
TA_1_5_1 air temperature °C temperature Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2022-04-27 14:28:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 49.502071
Longitude: 18.53688
Altitude: 19.3 m
RHTEMP-Vaisala HMP155 (S4850045)
TA_1_6_1 air temperature °C temperature Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2022-04-27 14:28:00
Stop: 2022-09-16 06:35:00
Latitude: 49.502071
Longitude: 18.53688
Altitude: 17.5 m
RHTEMP-Vaisala HMP155 (S4850044)
Start: 2022-09-16 06:35:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 49.502071
Longitude: 18.53688
Altitude: 17.5 m
RHTEMP-Vaisala HMP155 (S4840572)
TA_1_7_1 air temperature °C temperature Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2022-04-27 14:28:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 49.502071
Longitude: 18.53688
Altitude: 15.8 m
RHTEMP-Vaisala HMP155 (S4850043)
TA_1_8_1 air temperature °C temperature Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2021-03-03 23:00:00
Stop: 2023-04-18 12:45:00
Latitude: 49.502071
Longitude: 18.53688
Altitude: 13.1 m
RHTEMP-Vaisala HMP155 (R4431044)
Start: 2023-04-18 12:45:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 49.502071
Longitude: 18.53688
Altitude: 13.1 m
RHTEMP-Vaisala HMP155 (S4850044)
TA_1_9_1 air temperature °C temperature Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2022-04-27 14:28:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 49.502071
Longitude: 18.53688
Altitude: 8.8 m
RHTEMP-Vaisala HMP155 (S4850042)
TA_2_1_1 air temperature °C temperature Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2022-02-22 23:00:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 49.502548
Longitude: 18.538599
Altitude: 2.0 m
RHTEMP-Vaisala HMP155 (S4840706)
TS_1_1_1 soil temperature °C temperature Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2015-10-20 23:00:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 49.50227
Longitude: 18.537018
Altitude: 0.0 m
TEMP-Generic PT100(0) Class A (CZ-BK1_TS_1_1_1_20151021)
TS_1_2_1 soil temperature °C temperature Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2015-10-20 23:00:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 49.50227
Longitude: 18.537018
Altitude: -0.05 m
TEMP-Generic PT100(0) Class A (CZ-BK1_TS_1_2_1_20151021)
TS_1_3_1 soil temperature °C temperature Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2020-04-20 23:00:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 49.50227
Longitude: 18.537018
Altitude: -0.1 m
TEMP-Generic PT100(0) Class A (CZ-BK1_TS_1_3_1_20200421)
TS_1_4_1 soil temperature °C temperature Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2015-10-20 23:00:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 49.50227
Longitude: 18.537018
Altitude: -0.22 m
TEMP-Generic PT100(0) Class A (CZ-BK1_TS_1_4_1_20151021)
TS_1_5_1 soil temperature °C temperature Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2015-10-20 23:00:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 49.50227
Longitude: 18.537018
Altitude: -0.34 m
TEMP-Generic PT100(0) Class A (CZ-BK1_TS_1_5_1_20151021)
TS_2_1_1 soil temperature °C temperature Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2015-10-20 23:00:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 49.50179
Longitude: 18.536757
Altitude: 0.0 m
TEMP-Generic PT100(0) Class A (CZ-BK1_TS_2_1_1_20151021)
TS_2_2_1 soil temperature °C temperature Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2015-10-20 23:00:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 49.50179
Longitude: 18.536757
Altitude: -0.05 m
TEMP-Generic PT100(0) Class A (CZ-BK1_TS_2_2_1_20151021)
TS_2_3_1 soil temperature °C temperature Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2015-10-20 23:00:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 49.50179
Longitude: 18.536757
Altitude: -0.1 m
TEMP-Generic PT100(0) Class A (CZ-BK1_TS_2_3_1_20151021)
TS_2_4_1 soil temperature °C temperature Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2015-10-20 23:00:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 49.50179
Longitude: 18.536757
Altitude: -0.22 m
TEMP-Generic PT100(0) Class A (CZ-BK1_TS_2_4_1_20151021)
TS_2_5_1 soil temperature °C temperature Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2015-10-20 23:00:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 49.50179
Longitude: 18.536757
Altitude: -0.34 m
TEMP-Generic PT100(0) Class A (CZ-BK1_TS_2_5_1_20151021)
TS_2_6_1 soil temperature °C temperature Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2015-10-20 23:00:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 49.50179
Longitude: 18.536757
Altitude: -0.42 m
TEMP-Generic PT100(0) Class A (CZ-BK1_TS_2_6_1_20151021)
TS_3_1_1 soil temperature °C temperature Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2022-08-08 09:00:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 49.501807
Longitude: 18.536658
Altitude: 0.0 m
TEMP-Generic PT100(0) Class A (CZ-BK1_TS_3_1_1_20220609)
TS_3_2_1 soil temperature °C temperature Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2022-08-08 09:00:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 49.501807
Longitude: 18.536658
Altitude: -0.05 m
TEMP-Generic PT100(0) Class A (CZ-BK1_TS_3_2_1_20220609)
TS_4_1_1 soil temperature °C temperature Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2022-08-08 09:00:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 49.501426
Longitude: 18.536494
Altitude: 0.0 m
TEMP-Generic PT100(0) Class A (CZ-BK1_TS_4_1_1_20220530)
TS_4_2_1 soil temperature °C temperature Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2022-08-08 09:00:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 49.501426
Longitude: 18.536494
Altitude: -0.05 m
TEMP-Generic PT100(0) Class A (CZ-BK1_TS_4_2_1_20220530)
TS_4_3_1 soil temperature °C temperature Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2022-08-08 09:00:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 49.501426
Longitude: 18.536494
Altitude: -0.1 m
TEMP-Generic PT100(0) Class A (CZ-BK1_TS_4_3_1_20220530)
TS_4_4_1 soil temperature °C temperature Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2022-08-08 09:00:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 49.501426
Longitude: 18.536494
Altitude: -0.22 m
TEMP-Generic PT100(0) Class A (CZ-BK1_TS_4_4_1_20220530)
TS_4_5_1 soil temperature °C temperature Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2022-08-08 09:00:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 49.501426
Longitude: 18.536494
Altitude: -0.34 m
TEMP-Generic PT100(0) Class A (CZ-BK1_TS_4_5_1_20220530)
TS_4_6_1 soil temperature °C temperature Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2022-08-08 09:00:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 49.501426
Longitude: 18.536494
Altitude: -0.42 m
TEMP-Generic PT100(0) Class A (CZ-BK1_TS_4_6_1_20220530)
TS_5_1_1 soil temperature °C temperature Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2022-08-08 09:00:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 49.50144
Longitude: 18.536392
Altitude: 0.0 m
TEMP-Generic PT100(0) Class A (CZ-BK1_TS_5_1_1_20220609)
TS_5_2_1 soil temperature °C temperature Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2022-08-08 09:00:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 49.50144
Longitude: 18.536392
Altitude: -0.05 m
TEMP-Generic PT100(0) Class A (CZ-BK1_TS_5_2_1_20220609)
VPD_1_1_1 vapour pressure deficit hPa pressure Preview
VPD_1_10_1 vapour pressure deficit hPa pressure Preview
VPD_1_2_1 vapour pressure deficit hPa pressure Preview
VPD_1_3_1 vapour pressure deficit hPa pressure Preview
VPD_1_4_1 vapour pressure deficit hPa pressure Preview
VPD_1_5_1 vapour pressure deficit hPa pressure Preview
VPD_1_6_1 vapour pressure deficit hPa pressure Preview
VPD_1_7_1 vapour pressure deficit hPa pressure Preview
VPD_1_8_1 vapour pressure deficit hPa pressure Preview
VPD_1_9_1 vapour pressure deficit hPa pressure Preview
VPD_2_1_1 vapour pressure deficit hPa pressure Preview
SG_1_1_1 soil heat flux W m-2 energy flux Preview




2024-03-22 16:22:44
2024-03-22 16:22:10

Technical information

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