ETC L2 Meteosens, Auchencorth Moss


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11676/pcLJ0bEXyqSF-BN44__Hbt2g (link)

Half-hourly meteorological variables for each single sensor calculated by the ICOS ETC starting from the raw data.

Work was funded by grant UK-SCAPE (National capability (NC) funding) from Natural Environmental Research Council (NERC)
Work was funded by grant UK Status, Change and Projections of the Environment (UK-SCAPE) (National Capability Science Single Centre award (award number NE/R016429/1)) from Natural Environmental Research Council (NERC)
Nemitz, E., Coyle, M., Grenier, M., Harvey, D., Helfter, C., Jones, M., Leeson, S., Levy, P., Mullinger, N., van Dijk, N., Yeung, K. (2022). ETC L2 Meteosens, Auchencorth Moss, 2022-01-01–2022-10-31, ICOS RI, https://hdl.handle.net/11676/pcLJ0bEXyqSF-BN44__Hbt2g
  author={Nemitz, Eiko and Coyle, Mhairi and Grenier, Maude and Harvey, Duncan and Helfter, Carole and Jones, Matthew and Leeson, Sarah and Levy, Peter and Mullinger, Neil and van Dijk, Netty and Yeung, Karen},
  title={ETC L2 Meteosens, Auchencorth Moss, 2022-01-01–2022-10-31},
  publisher={Ecosystem Thematic Centre},
T1 - ETC L2 Meteosens, Auchencorth Moss, 2022-01-01–2022-10-31
ID - 11676/pcLJ0bEXyqSF-BN44__Hbt2g
PY - 2022
UR - https://hdl.handle.net/11676/pcLJ0bEXyqSF-BN44__Hbt2g
PB - Ecosystem Thematic Centre
AU - Nemitz, Eiko
AU - Coyle, Mhairi
AU - Grenier, Maude
AU - Harvey, Duncan
AU - Helfter, Carole
AU - Jones, Matthew
AU - Leeson, Sarah
AU - Levy, Peter
AU - Mullinger, Neil
AU - van Dijk, Netty
AU - Yeung, Karen
ER - 
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2022-01-01 00:00:00
2022-11-01 00:00:00


2022-11-25 15:15:32

Previewable variables

Name Value type Unit Quantity kind Preview Instrument Deployments
TIMESTAMP time instant, UTC
TIMESTAMP_END time instant, local non-DST time
D_SNOW_4_1_1 snow depth cm length Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2021-10-08 13:00:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 55.792234
Longitude: -3.243301
Altitude: 0.87 m
SNOW-Campbell SR50x (4875)
G_10_1_1 soil heat flux W m-2 energy flux Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2021-10-15 12:00:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 55.792806
Longitude: -3.24288
Altitude: -0.05 m
SOIL_H-Hukseflux HFP01SC (4965)
G_11_1_1 soil heat flux W m-2 energy flux Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2021-10-15 12:00:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 55.79281
Longitude: -3.242622
Altitude: -0.05 m
SOIL_H-Hukseflux HFP01SC (4966)
G_8_1_1 soil heat flux W m-2 energy flux Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2021-10-15 12:00:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 55.791914
Longitude: -3.243975
Altitude: -0.05 m
SOIL_H-Hukseflux HFP01SC (4963)
G_9_1_1 soil heat flux W m-2 energy flux Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2021-10-15 12:00:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 55.791914
Longitude: -3.24372
Altitude: -0.05 m
SOIL_H-Hukseflux HFP01SC (4964)
LW_IN_5_1_1 incoming long-wave radiation, net radiometer W m-2 energy flux Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2021-10-14 14:30:00
Stop: 2022-06-15 13:10:00
Latitude: 55.792207
Longitude: -3.243341
Altitude: 1.1 m
RAD_4C-K&Z CNR4 (150695)
Start: 2022-06-15 13:10:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 55.792207
Longitude: -3.243341
Altitude: 1.1 m
RAD_4C-K&Z CNR4 (140070)
LW_OUT_5_1_1 outgoing long-wave radiation, net radiometer W m-2 energy flux Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2021-10-14 14:30:00
Stop: 2022-06-15 13:10:00
Latitude: 55.792207
Longitude: -3.243341
Altitude: 1.1 m
RAD_4C-K&Z CNR4 (150695)
Start: 2022-06-15 13:10:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 55.792207
Longitude: -3.243341
Altitude: 1.1 m
RAD_4C-K&Z CNR4 (140070)
P_12_1_1 precipitation (total) mm length Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2017-01-01 12:00:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 55.792354
Longitude: -3.243201
Altitude: 0.94 m
PREC-OTT Pluvio2 (412837)
P_13_1_1 precipitation (total) mm length Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2021-10-15 12:00:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 55.792268
Longitude: -3.243467
Altitude: 0.47 m
PREC-EML ARG314 (210302)
PA_4_1_1 atmospheric pressure kPa pressure Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2021-11-08 12:52:00
Stop: 2022-02-23 10:50:00
Latitude: 55.792224
Longitude: -3.243359
Altitude: 1.15 m
PRES-Vaisala PTB110 (T1020294)
Start: 2022-02-23 10:50:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 55.792224
Longitude: -3.243359
Altitude: 1.15 m
PRES-Vaisala PTB110 (S1420778)
PPFD_DIF_4_1_1 photosynthetic photon flux density diffuse µmol m-2 s-1 particle flux Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2021-03-17 12:00:00
Stop: 2023-02-02 13:26:00
Latitude: 55.792224
Longitude: -3.243359
Altitude: 2.4 m
RAD_PAR-DeltaT BF5 (110/10)
PPFD_IN_5_1_1 photosynthetic photon flux density incoming µmol m-2 s-1 particle flux Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2020-05-06 12:30:00
Stop: 2023-02-02 14:19:00
Latitude: 55.792207
Longitude: -3.243341
Altitude: 1.15 m
RAD_PAR-Skye SKP215 (51475)
PPFD_OUT_5_1_1 photosynthetic photon flux density outgoing µmol m-2 s-1 particle flux Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2020-05-06 12:30:00
Stop: 2023-02-02 14:19:00
Latitude: 55.792207
Longitude: -3.243341
Altitude: 1.15 m
RAD_PAR-Skye SKP215 (51474)
RH_2_1_1 relative humidity % portion Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2021-07-14 15:00:00
Stop: 2023-03-29 13:00:00
Latitude: 55.792541
Longitude: -3.243688
Altitude: 3.96 m
RHTEMP-Rotronic HC2(A)-S (20415107)
RH_7_1_1 relative humidity % portion Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2021-10-15 12:00:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 55.793174
Longitude: -3.243855
Altitude: 2.5 m
RHTEMP-Rotronic HC2(A)-S (20481142)
SG_10_1_1 soil heat flux W m-2 energy flux Preview
SG_11_1_1 soil heat flux W m-2 energy flux Preview
SG_8_1_1 soil heat flux W m-2 energy flux Preview
SG_9_1_1 soil heat flux W m-2 energy flux Preview
SW_IN_5_1_1 incoming shortwave radiation W m-2 energy flux Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2021-10-14 14:30:00
Stop: 2022-06-15 13:10:00
Latitude: 55.792207
Longitude: -3.243341
Altitude: 1.1 m
RAD_4C-K&Z CNR4 (150695)
Start: 2022-06-15 13:10:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 55.792207
Longitude: -3.243341
Altitude: 1.1 m
RAD_4C-K&Z CNR4 (140070)
SW_IN_7_1_1 incoming shortwave radiation W m-2 energy flux Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2021-10-15 12:00:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 55.791912
Longitude: -3.243847
Altitude: 2.5 m
RAD_SW-Skye SKS1110 (49358)
SW_OUT_5_1_1 outgoing shortwave radiation W m-2 energy flux Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2021-10-14 14:30:00
Stop: 2022-06-15 13:10:00
Latitude: 55.792207
Longitude: -3.243341
Altitude: 1.1 m
RAD_4C-K&Z CNR4 (150695)
Start: 2022-06-15 13:10:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 55.792207
Longitude: -3.243341
Altitude: 1.1 m
RAD_4C-K&Z CNR4 (140070)
SWC_10_1_1 volumetric soil water content % portion Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2022-09-29 17:00:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 55.792807
Longitude: -3.24288
Altitude: -0.05 m
SWC-Campbell CS6XX (50870)
SWC_10_2_1 volumetric soil water content % portion Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2022-09-29 17:00:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 55.792811
Longitude: -3.24288
Altitude: -0.1 m
SWC-Campbell CS6XX (50871)
SWC_10_3_1 volumetric soil water content % portion Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2022-09-29 17:00:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 55.792806
Longitude: -3.24288
Altitude: -0.2 m
SWC-Campbell CS6XX (51021)
SWC_10_4_1 volumetric soil water content % portion Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2022-09-29 17:00:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 55.792808
Longitude: -3.24288
Altitude: -0.4 m
SWC-Campbell CS6XX (51022)
SWC_11_1_1 volumetric soil water content % portion Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2022-09-29 17:00:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 55.792809
Longitude: -3.242622
Altitude: -0.05 m
SWC-Campbell CS6XX (51023)
SWC_11_2_1 volumetric soil water content % portion Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2022-09-29 17:00:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 55.792806
Longitude: -3.242622
Altitude: -0.1 m
SWC-Campbell CS6XX (51588)
SWC_11_3_1 volumetric soil water content % portion Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2022-09-29 17:00:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 55.79281
Longitude: -3.242622
Altitude: -0.2 m
SWC-Campbell CS6XX (51589)
SWC_11_4_1 volumetric soil water content % portion Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2022-09-29 17:00:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 55.792808
Longitude: -3.242622
Altitude: -0.4 m
SWC-Campbell CS6XX (51593)
SWC_8_1_1 volumetric soil water content % portion Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2022-09-29 17:00:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 55.791917
Longitude: -3.243975
Altitude: -0.05 m
SWC-Campbell CS6XX (50868)
SWC_8_2_1 volumetric soil water content % portion Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2022-09-29 17:00:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 55.79192
Longitude: -3.243975
Altitude: -0.1 m
SWC-Campbell CS6XX (50904)
SWC_8_3_1 volumetric soil water content % portion Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2022-09-29 17:00:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 55.791915
Longitude: -3.243975
Altitude: -0.2 m
SWC-Campbell CS6XX (51592)
SWC_8_4_1 volumetric soil water content % portion Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2022-09-29 17:00:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 55.791917
Longitude: -3.243975
Altitude: -0.4 m
SWC-Campbell CS6XX (51599)
SWC_9_1_1 volumetric soil water content % portion Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2022-09-29 17:00:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 55.791918
Longitude: -3.24372
Altitude: -0.05 m
SWC-Campbell CS6XX (51590)
SWC_9_2_1 volumetric soil water content % portion Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2022-09-29 17:00:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 55.791921
Longitude: -3.24372
Altitude: -0.1 m
SWC-Campbell CS6XX (50905)
SWC_9_3_1 volumetric soil water content % portion Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2022-09-29 17:00:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 55.791918
Longitude: -3.24372
Altitude: -0.2 m
SWC-Campbell CS6XX (50867)
SWC_9_4_1 volumetric soil water content % portion Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2022-09-29 17:00:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 55.791918
Longitude: -3.24372
Altitude: -0.4 m
SWC-Campbell CS6XX (50869)
TA_2_1_1 air temperature °C temperature Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2021-07-14 15:00:00
Stop: 2023-03-29 13:00:00
Latitude: 55.792541
Longitude: -3.243688
Altitude: 3.96 m
RHTEMP-Rotronic HC2(A)-S (20415107)
TA_7_1_1 air temperature °C temperature Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2021-10-15 12:00:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 55.793174
Longitude: -3.243855
Altitude: 2.5 m
RHTEMP-Rotronic HC2(A)-S (20481142)
TS_10_1_1 soil temperature °C temperature Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2021-10-15 12:00:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 55.792805
Longitude: -3.24288
Altitude: 0.0 m
TEMP-Campbell CS10X (109-1)
TS_10_2_1 soil temperature °C temperature Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2021-10-15 12:00:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 55.792805
Longitude: -3.24288
Altitude: -0.05 m
TEMP-Campbell CS10X (109-2)
TS_10_3_1 soil temperature °C temperature Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2021-10-15 12:00:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 55.792805
Longitude: -3.24288
Altitude: -0.1 m
TEMP-Campbell CS10X (109-3)
TS_10_4_1 soil temperature °C temperature Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2021-10-15 12:00:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 55.792805
Longitude: -3.24288
Altitude: -0.2 m
TEMP-Campbell CS10X (109-4)
TS_10_5_1 soil temperature °C temperature Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2021-10-15 12:00:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 55.792805
Longitude: -3.24288
Altitude: -0.4 m
TEMP-Campbell CS10X (109-5)
TS_11_1_1 soil temperature °C temperature Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2021-10-15 12:00:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 55.792811
Longitude: -3.242622
Altitude: 0.0 m
TEMP-Campbell CS10X (109-6)
TS_11_2_1 soil temperature °C temperature Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2021-10-15 12:00:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 55.792811
Longitude: -3.242622
Altitude: -0.05 m
TEMP-Campbell CS10X (109-7)
TS_11_3_1 soil temperature °C temperature Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2021-10-15 12:00:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 55.792811
Longitude: -3.242622
Altitude: -0.1 m
TEMP-Campbell CS10X (109-8)
TS_11_4_1 soil temperature °C temperature Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2021-10-15 12:00:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 55.792811
Longitude: -3.242622
Altitude: -0.2 m
TEMP-Campbell CS10X (109-9)
TS_11_5_1 soil temperature °C temperature Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2021-10-15 12:00:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 55.792811
Longitude: -3.242622
Altitude: -0.4 m
TEMP-Campbell CS10X (109-10)
TS_8_1_1 soil temperature °C temperature Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2021-10-15 12:00:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 55.791913
Longitude: -3.243975
Altitude: 0.0 m
TEMP-Campbell CS10X (109-11)
TS_8_2_1 soil temperature °C temperature Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2021-10-15 12:00:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 55.791913
Longitude: -3.243975
Altitude: -0.05 m
TEMP-Campbell CS10X (109-12)
TS_8_3_1 soil temperature °C temperature Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2021-10-15 12:00:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 55.791913
Longitude: -3.243975
Altitude: -0.1 m
TEMP-Campbell CS10X (109-13)
TS_8_4_1 soil temperature °C temperature Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2021-10-15 12:00:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 55.791913
Longitude: -3.243975
Altitude: -0.2 m
TEMP-Campbell CS10X (109-14)
TS_8_5_1 soil temperature °C temperature Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2021-10-15 12:00:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 55.791913
Longitude: -3.243975
Altitude: -0.4 m
TEMP-Campbell CS10X (109-15)
TS_9_1_1 soil temperature °C temperature Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2021-10-15 12:00:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 55.791907
Longitude: -3.24372
Altitude: 0.0 m
TEMP-Campbell CS10X (109-16)
TS_9_2_1 soil temperature °C temperature Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2021-10-15 12:00:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 55.791907
Longitude: -3.24372
Altitude: -0.05 m
TEMP-Campbell CS10X (109-17)
TS_9_3_1 soil temperature °C temperature Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2021-10-15 12:00:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 55.791907
Longitude: -3.24372
Altitude: -0.1 m
TEMP-Campbell CS10X (109-18)
TS_9_4_1 soil temperature °C temperature Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2021-10-15 12:00:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 55.791907
Longitude: -3.24372
Altitude: -0.2 m
TEMP-Campbell CS10X (109-19)
TS_9_5_1 soil temperature °C temperature Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2021-10-15 12:00:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 55.791907
Longitude: -3.24372
Altitude: -0.4 m
TEMP-Campbell CS10X (109-20)
VPD_1_1_1 vapour pressure deficit hPa pressure Preview
VPD_2_1_1 vapour pressure deficit hPa pressure Preview
WD_7_1_1 wind direction ° angle Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2022-02-09 17:00:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 55.791905
Longitude: -3.243847
Altitude: 3.95 m
WDWS-Gill WindsonicX (21520212)
WS_7_1_1 wind speed m s-1 velocity Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2022-09-29 17:00:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 55.791905
Longitude: -3.243847
Altitude: 3.95 m
WDWS-Gill WindsonicX (21520212)
WTD_10_1_1 water table depth m length Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2021-10-15 12:00:00
Stop: 2023-05-09 13:28:00
Latitude: 55.792808
Longitude: -3.242922
Altitude: -0.42 m
WTD-Druck PDCR 18x0 (3102093)
WTD_11_1_1 water table depth m length Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2021-10-15 12:00:00
Stop: 2023-05-09 13:28:00
Latitude: 55.792809
Longitude: -3.242577
Altitude: -0.59 m
WTD-Druck PDCR 18x0 (3102094)
WTD_8_1_1 water table depth m length Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2021-10-15 12:00:00
Stop: 2022-06-29 16:50:00
Latitude: 55.791917
Longitude: -3.243942
Altitude: -0.43 m
WTD-Druck PDCR 18x0 (3090417)
Start: 2022-06-29 16:50:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 55.791917
Longitude: -3.243942
Altitude: -0.49 m
WTD-Druck PDCR 18x0 (3102090)
WTD_9_1_1 water table depth m length Preview
Time interval Position Instrument
Start: 2021-10-15 12:00:00
Stop: 2022-06-29 16:50:00
Latitude: 55.791917
Longitude: -3.243682
Altitude: -0.54 m
WTD-Druck PDCR 18x0 (3090419)
Start: 2022-06-29 16:50:00
Stop: Not done
Latitude: 55.791917
Longitude: -3.243682
Altitude: -0.57 m
WTD-Druck PDCR 18x0 (3102091)




2022-11-25 14:15:37
2022-11-25 14:15:34

Technical information

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