Fluxnet Product, Majadas del Tietar North


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11676/wmGUXXgQ3EeygSFax46ioD7t (link)
Half-hourly Fluxes and Meteo measurements processed with the standard FLUXNET procedure used for the FLUXNET2015 collection (ONEFlux suite).
Ecosystem Thematic Centre, Carrara, A., El-Madany, T., Hertel, M., Kolle, O., Lopez Jimenez, R., Migliavacca, M., Perez-Priego, O., Reichstein, M. (2020). Fluxnet Product, Majadas del Tietar North, 2013-12-31–2018-12-31, Miscellaneous, https://hdl.handle.net/11676/wmGUXXgQ3EeygSFax46ioD7t
  author={Ecosystem Thematic Centre and Carrara, Arnaud and El-Madany, Tarek Sebastian and Hertel, Martin and Kolle, Olaf and Lopez Jimenez, Ramon and Migliavacca, Mirco and Perez-Priego, Oscar and Reichstein, Markus},
  title={Fluxnet Product, Majadas del Tietar North, 2013-12-31–2018-12-31},
  keywords={Drought 2018},
  publisher={Carbon Portal},
T1 - Fluxnet Product, Majadas del Tietar North, 2013-12-31–2018-12-31
ID - 11676/wmGUXXgQ3EeygSFax46ioD7t
PY - 2020
UR - https://hdl.handle.net/11676/wmGUXXgQ3EeygSFax46ioD7t
PB - Carbon Portal
AU - Ecosystem Thematic Centre
AU - Carrara, Arnaud
AU - El-Madany, Tarek Sebastian
AU - Hertel, Martin
AU - Kolle, Olaf
AU - Lopez Jimenez, Ramon
AU - Migliavacca, Mirco
AU - Perez-Priego, Oscar
AU - Reichstein, Markus
KW - Drought 2018
ER - 
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File Size
42 MB (44061990 bytes)


2013-12-31 23:00:00
2018-12-31 23:00:00


2020-02-04 13:42:54
Alexander von Humboldt Foundation is acknowledged for supporting the MANIP project with the Max-Planck Prize to Markus Reichstein See also: El-Madany, T. S., Reichstein, M., Perez-Priego, O., Carrara, A., Moreno, G., Pilar Martín, M., Pacheco-Labrador, J., Wohlfahrt, G., Nieto, H., Weber, U., Kolle, O., Luo, Y.-P., Carvalhais, N. and Migliavacca, M.: Drivers of spatio-temporal variability of carbon dioxide and energy fluxes in a Mediterranean savanna ecosystem, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 262, 258–278, doi:10.1016/j.agrformet.2018.07.010, 2018. Luo, Y., El-Madany, T. S., Filippa, G., Ma, X., Ahrens, B., Carrara, A., Gonzalez-Cascon, R., Cremonese, E., Galvagno, M., Hammer, T. W., Pacheco-Labrador, J., Martín, M. P., Moreno, G., Perez-Priego, O., Reichstein, M., Richardson, A. D., Römermann, C. and Migliavacca, M.: Using Near-Infrared-Enabled Digital Repeat Photography to Track Structural and Physiological Phenology in Mediterranean Tree–Grass Ecosystems, Remote Sensing, 10(8), 1293, doi:10.3390/rs10081293, 2018.

Previewable variables

Name Value type Unit Quantity kind Preview
TIMESTAMP time instant, UTC
TIMESTAMP_END time instant, local non-DST time
TA_F air temperature °C temperature Preview
SW_IN_F incoming shortwave radiation W m-2 energy flux Preview
LE_F_MDS latent heat flux W m-2 energy flux Preview
H_F_MDS sensible heat flux W m-2 energy flux Preview
NEE_VUT_REF net ecosystem exchange µmol m-2 s-1 particle flux Preview
VPD_F vapour pressure deficit hPa pressure Preview
RECO_NT_VUT_REF ecosystem respiration µmol m-2 s-1 particle flux Preview
RECO_DT_VUT_REF ecosystem respiration µmol m-2 s-1 particle flux Preview
GPP_NT_VUT_REF gross primary CO2 production µmol m-2 s-1 particle flux Preview
GPP_DT_VUT_REF gross primary CO2 production µmol m-2 s-1 particle flux Preview
VPD_F_QC quality flag (int)
NEE_VUT_REF_QC quality flag (int)
H_F_MDS_QC quality flag (int)
LE_F_MDS_QC quality flag (int)
SW_IN_F_QC quality flag (int)
TA_F_QC quality flag (int)
LW_IN_F incoming long-wave radiation, net radiometer W m-2 energy flux Preview
LW_IN_F_QC quality flag
P_F precipitation (total) mm length Preview
P_F_QC quality flag (int)
PA_F atmospheric pressure kPa pressure Preview
PA_F_QC quality flag
WS_F wind speed m s-1 velocity Preview
WS_F_QC quality flag




2020-03-06 10:14:02
2020-03-06 10:13:49

Technical information

1, 0
Lat: 39.94269, Lon: -5.778683, Alt: 266.0 m
Drought 2018 carbon flux pre-ICOS