Arjan Hensen, Pim van den Bulk, Arnoud Fumau, Danielle van Dinther
Tall tower (200m) with auxilary masts, remote sensoring test field, flux field and air pollution measurement station.
Access is possible for all levels on the tall tower (every 20m up to 200m) Next to the tall tower there are fields for ground based experiments. the Tower is fully equipped with meteo sensors both for soil, surface exchange, radiation and rainfall, profiling, greenhousegas, aerosol and air pollutant concentration measurements. GHG measurements are done by ECN and cover CO2, CH4, N2O, CO and 13CO2. ,
Fully linked to internet with 99% reliability
high speed internet access through KNMI
All kind of antropogenic sources are within the 100 km range of Cabauw. With the different measurement heights available at the tower the impact of these sources can be evaluated. The dynamics in all GHG signals is substantially higher at Cabauw when compared to several other ICOS stations.
<500 km-2
Westerduinweg 3
POBox 1 1755 ZG Petten the Netherlands
Zijdeweg 1, 3411 MH Lopik, Nederland
Free fetch (5 km) over grassland in the prevailing wind direction ( SW) small town of Lopik to the east of the tower. Line with farms running East-West about 2 km North of the tower.
Larger scale: downwind of the Rotterdam harbour, in the middle what is called the green hart of NL, a 50 * 50 km peatland- grassland aerea. Bordered by the the randstad city ring that runs from Roterdam, the Hague, Leiden, Haarlem, Amsterdam, Utrecht.
The site is part of the LML (landelijk meetnet luchtkwaliteit), the national network for airpollution management and control, operated by RIVM