Damien Martin
Teresa Spohn
Mick Geever
Charles Gillman
Michael Gill
there is a 10 metre tower on the site
University of Galway
There is private road access to the site
There is reliable telecommunication
Valentia Island is one of Ireland's most westerly points. It lies off the Iveragh Peninsula in the southwest of County Kerry. It is linked to the mainland by bridge (and seasonal ferry). The site is on the western side of the Island and is almost completely uninhabited. There are very few dwellings close to the site. As with Mace Head, the dominant prevailing winds are reasonably uniformly spread over a sector stretching from westerlies to southerlies with lesser but significant occurrences from both northerly and easterly directions. The station has ample exposure to both clean background and polluted airflows in a broad range of meteorological conditions.
Main Site and Postal address
Met Éireann Valentia Observatory (Cahirciveen address)
Co. Kerry, Ireland
V23 V227
Island Station has an address but not a postcode
Bray, Valentia,
Co. Kerry