
The cropland site Klingenberg (50.89306°N, 13.52238°E; 478 m a.s.l.) is located in the mountain foreland of the Erzgebirge. EC measurements began in 2004. The ecosystem is an intensively managed farmland (5-year crop rotation including rapeseed, winter wheat, forage maize, spring barley and winter barley as well as occasional catch crop). The site is located in the suboceanic/subcontinental climate. The main wind direction is WSW. The EC measurement setup has been established in May 2004 (reference height 3.5 m a.g.). It consists of ultrasonic anemometers GILL R3-50 (Gill Instruments, Lymington, UK) or Young 81000V (R. M. Young Company, Traverse City, MI, USA) and a closed-path gas analyzer LI-7000 (LiCor Inc., Lincoln, NE, USA), respectively, accompanied by measurements of radiation components, air temperature and humidity, precipitation, soil temperature and moisture as well as soil and biomass observations. Management information (harvest, fertilization, crop protection, seeding, scarification) of the Colmnitzer Agrargenossenschaft are available. Near the cropland is an adjacent village (530 m W) and a reservoir (around 1500 m E). According to footprint investigations there are no fetch restrictions. The site represents the specified target land cover type very well. The area is flat in a radius of at least 800 m around the EC mast except the medium sloped Western direction.
8.2 °C
756.0 mm
131.0 W/m2


Funder Award number Award Start date End date Comment
EU GOCE-CT-2003-505572 CARBOEUROPE-IP 2004-01-01 2008-12-01
BMBF 1LK1101A ICOS-D 2013-02-01 2014-02-01
BMBF 1LK1224B ICOS-D 2013-04-01 2016-12-31
Freistaat Sachsen 1-0230.00/68/192-2016/118972 Ermittlung der C-Bindung von THG-Speichern und -senken in Sachsen 2017-01-01 2017-09-30
Freistaat Sachsen 1-0452/147/158 C-Speicherung und -Freisetzung aus Böden unter landwirtschaftlicher und forstlicher Nutzung 2018-08-01 2020-07-31
Freistaat Sachsen 65-0456/49/10 Sicherstellung des Treibhausgasmonitorings an sächsischen ICOS-Standorten 2021-01-01 2021-12-31
Freistaat Sachsen 65-0456/46/28 Sicherstellung des Treibhausgasmonitorings an sächsischen ICOS-Standorten 2022-01-01 2022-12-31
Freistaat Sachsen 65-0456/56/1 Sicherstellung des Treibhausgasmonitorings an sächsischen ICOS-Standorten 2023-01-01 2023-12-31

Current staff

Name Role (ICOS vocabulary) Start date
Christian Bernhofer Researcher 2022-01-01
Thomas Grünwald Administrator 2017-08-28
Markus Hehn Engineer 2017-08-28
Matthias Mauder Principal Investigator 2022-01-01
Uta Moderow Researcher 2017-08-28
Heiko Prasse Data Manager 2021-06-08

Former staff

Name Role (ICOS vocabulary) Start date End date
Christian Bernhofer Principal Investigator 2017-08-28 2021-12-31
Uwe Eichelmann Data Manager 2017-08-28 2020-12-31


50.89306, 13.52238
478 m
Open map
