Las Majadas de Tietar study site (ICOS code ES-LMa) is a holm oak savanna, in Spain. It is located in the province of Caceres. The long-term historical management at the site has resulted in a holm oak (Quercus Ilex) savanna with a tree density of ca. 20-25 trees per hectare, a canopy cover fraction of about 20%, with a mean tree height of 8 m and a mean DBH of 44 cm. The understory vegetation is dominated by annual herbaceous species (as Vulpia bromoides (L.) SF Grey; Vulpia geniculata (L.) Link; Trifolium subterraneum (L.), Ornithopus compressus (L.)) with high biodiversity of species. Herbaceous plants senesce typically by the end of May and re-green mid-October.