
The lake site Kuivajarvi with ICOS code FI-Kvr, is situated in southern Finland in the middle of a managed mixed coniferous forest. Lake Kuivajarvi is humic boreal lake with low water clarity due to high dissolved organic carbon and is oblong in shape with the surface area of 0.62 km2 and the length of 2.6 km and maximum width approximately 500 m. The lake has a maximum depth of 13.2 m and the mean depth of 6.3 m. The catchment area of the lake is 8.7 km2 of which 0.86 km2 is covered by water. The rest of it consists of natural and drained peatlands, and Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) and Norway spruce (Picea abies (L). Karst) dominated managed forests. Total area of agricultural fields in the catchment is only 0.032 km2. The terrain around the lake is mostly flat but has height variations of up to 40 m. The primary soil type is haplic podzol and a thin layer of soil at most 2 m deep sits above igneous and metamorphic bedrock. There were no recent major disturbances but silvicultural activities in the catchment area may be reflected in the water quality.
3.5 °C
711.0 mm
100.0 W/m2

Current staff

Name Role (ICOS vocabulary) Start date
Joonatan Ala-Könni Researcher 2022-01-01
Pasi Kolari Administrator 2021-01-01
Heikki Laakso Engineer 2017-09-21
Ivan Mammarella Researcher 2017-09-21
Reijo Pilkottu Engineer 2017-09-21
Risto Taipale Engineer 2020-01-01
Timo Vesala Principal Investigator 2022-01-01

Former staff

Name Role (ICOS vocabulary) Start date End date
Pasi Kolari Data Manager 2017-09-11 2020-12-31
Janne Levula Administrator 2017-09-21 2020-12-31
Anne Ojala Principal Investigator 2017-09-11 2021-12-31


61.84662, 24.2804
141 m
Open map
