
The site Lusignan (ICOS code FR-Lus) is a permanent grassland, part of a 160 ha crops and livestock experimental farm operated by INRA since 1970. It is located 3 km south of the city of Lusignan, Vienne, France, Les Verrines site, and 5 km north from the main INRA research center. The site is exposed to oceanic climate, with moderately cold winters and moderately warm summers. The soil is a deep Cambisol with a loamy-clay texture in the upper layers (0-100 cm), and a more heavy clay texture in deeper layers.
11.9 °C
793.0 mm
69.6 W/m2

Current staff

Name Role (ICOS vocabulary) Start date
Patrick Beauclair Data Manager 2020-12-04
Abad Chabbi Principal Investigator 2022-12-02
Marie-Laure Decau Researcher 2020-12-04
Sebastien Lafont Researcher 2020-12-04
Cedric Perrot Administrator 2022-12-02

Former staff

Name Role (ICOS vocabulary) Start date End date
Jean-François Bouhiron Engineer 2020-12-04 2021-11-05
Abad Chabbi Researcher 2020-12-04 2022-12-01
Jerome Chargelegue Engineer 2020-12-04 2021-11-05
Christophe de Berranger Administrator 2020-12-04 2022-09-01
Francois Gastal Principal Investigator 2020-12-04 2022-12-01
Christophe Huguet Engineer 2020-12-04 2022-04-01
Cedric Perrot Data Manager 2020-12-04 2022-12-01


46.414246, 0.1206518
154 m
Open map
