Parco Urbano di Capodimonte

The sitelocated inside the Real Bosco of Capodimonte within the city of Naples and cover an area of about134 hectar. The main species that characterized the UGA are Quercus ilex L., which occupies about 80 % of upper canopy layer with a height average of 22 m. The other wood species present are Tilia platyphyllus, Quercus pubescens, Acer opalus and Ostrya carpinifolia, while the underneath layer is characterized by the presence of Laurus nobilis and other Mediterranean species like Ostrya carpnifolia Tilia and Acer spp, Sambucus nigra, Fraxinus ornus,
16.3 °C
855.0 mm
250.14 W/m2


Funder Award number Award Start date End date Comment
ICOS - NBCF - ITINERIS This research is made possible by the PON project I-AMICA(Infrastructure of High Technology for Environmental Cli-mate Monitoring, PONa3 00363) and the Integrated Carbon Observation System (ICOS) supported by Joint Research Unit “ICOS Italia”, funded by Ministry of University and Researches, throughout CNR-DSSTTA and PRO–ICOS_MED Potenziamento della rete di osservazione ICOS-Italia nel Mediterraneo – Rafforzamento del Capitale Umano” PIR01_00019 / CIR01_00019. Project activities were also funded under the N 2023-01-01 2025-12-31

Current staff

Name Role (ICOS vocabulary) Start date
Teresa Bertolini Researcher 2025-01-30
Carlo Calfapietra Principal Investigator 2025-01-30
Chiara Corradi Researcher 2025-01-30
Michele Mattioni Researcher 2025-01-30
Marco Micali Engineer 2025-01-30
Daniele Piastrelloni Engineer 2025-01-30
Luca Sessa Engineer 2025-01-30
Terenzio Zenone Administrator 2025-02-06


40.8773, 14.2559
133 m
Open map