
The station Hyltemossa, with ICOS code SE-Htm, is located in southern Sweden. The site is a evergreen needleleaf managed forest located in a temperate, maritime climate. The forest in the target area composed of two stands, 29 and 34 years old, and dominated by Picea abies (L.) H.Karst (Norway spruce) with a small fraction of Betula spp. (birch) and single occurrence of Pinus sylvestris L. (Scots pine). Understory vegetation is sparse. The forest floor is mainly covered by moss.
7.4 °C
707.0 mm
110.0 W/m2


Funder Award number Award Start date End date Comment
Swedish Research Council 2015-06020 National Research Infrastructure ICOS Sweden 2016-04-01 2020-12-31 co-financed by Lund University, Gothenburg University, Swedish Polar Research Secretariat, SLU, Stockholm University and Uppsala University
Swedish Research Council 2019-00205 National Research Infrastructure ICOS Sweden 2021-01-01 2024-12-31 co-financed by Lund University, SLU, Gothenburg University, Swedish Polar Research Secretariat, Uppsala University and SMHI
Swedish Research Council 2023-00172 National Research Infrastructure ICOS Sweden 2025-01-01 2028-12-31 co-financed by Lund University, Gothenburg University, Swedish Polar Research Secretariat, SLU, Uppsala University, and SMHI

Current staff

Name Role (ICOS vocabulary) Start date
Tobias Biermann Administrator 2014-06-01
Michal Heliasz Principal Investigator 2014-01-01
Jutta Holst Data Manager 2014-01-01
Thomas Holst Researcher 2017-06-01
Natascha Kljun Researcher 2021-09-24
Meelis Molder Researcher 2014-01-01

Former staff

Name Role (ICOS vocabulary) Start date End date
Maj-Lena Linderson Researcher 2016-11-01 2020-12-31
Anders Lindroth Researcher 2014-01-01 2016-10-31
Janne Rinne Researcher 2019-03-21 2021-06-30


56.09763, 13.41897
115 m
Open map
