Nuka Arctica data is no longer updated on the ICOS data portal.
(former ICOS station)
NO-SOOP-Nuka Arctica
The cargo ship M/S Nuka Arctica is a voluntary observing ship (VOS) run by the Royal Arctic Line A/S, Denmark. The station began measuring sea surface pCO2 20th January, 2004, and University of Bergen, Norway, is the responsible institution for this effort, with Dr. Meike Becker and Prof. Are Olsen as PIs. Nuka Arctica regularly transports cargo between Aalborg, Denmark and Nuke, Greenland, stopping occasionally at, or passing South of Iceland (Figure 1). The route Aalborg-Nuke-Aalborg takes approximately 3 weeks. The station’s geographical region includes the North Sea, northern North Atlantic, and Greenland’s west coast.